When you go to the store you scan your reward card and you get a discount. What you might not know is you can select a charity that receives a very small portion of your purchase (but you don’t spend extra money - the store donates a%). I filled out paperwork and Creative Arts is now registered for Kroger reward card users.
Please consider doing this for us. It won’t cost you a dime and allows for passive income for our committee. Tom Thumb info should be coming in a few days. It’s not much but it’s something easy you can do and you can forget about it. If you have questions please ask away.
NPO number: 28520 (Dallas Makerspace Creative Arts)
Customer Instructions:
A Digital Account is needed in order to participate in Kroger Community Rewards. If you already have a Digital Account, then please skip to the section named ‘Selecting an Organization’.
How to Register a Digital Account
Creating a digital account is as simple as 1,2,3! Simply visit www.kroger.com or download the Kroger mobile application from the appropriate app store for your device and follow these directions.
Select the ‘Register’ button.
Enter your information.
Select ‘Create Account’.
Please make sure that you add your card number or create a virtual card number while registering your Digital Account. This is required for the Community Rewards program so that your transactions apply towards the program.
Selecting an Organization
Selecting the organization that you wish to support is as simple updating the Community Rewards selection on your Digital Account.
· Sign into your Digital Account (if you haven’t already).
· Select ‘My Account’.
· Scroll down to the ‘Community Rewards’ section of your account page.
· Select ‘Enroll Now’ or ‘Edit’.
· Enter the name or NPO number of the organization (28520) that you wish to support.
· Select the appropriate organization from the list and click on ‘Save’.
Your selected organization will now display in the Community Rewards section of your account page.
Any transactions moving forward using the card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program.
It takes approximately 10 days for the Community Rewards total to begin displaying on your receipt.