Adding some levity

So is the coworker shown in your icon a baby picture? Or does he/she just have that puppy look permanently?

That’s his baby picture :smiley:

He’s now 4 years old and 100 lbs. He and his “sister” like to sit in my “WFH office” and howl when people have the gall to walk by the window. :rofl:


I wanna see “big kid” pix.

Idiot. You didn’t turn the bottom one on.

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Really really close to an infinity loop layout on your Perpetual Motion Machine there. Makes it faster. Physics, ya know.

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the one from Pet Faces

I’m betting “your WFH office” is usually “their howl @ the passersby office”?

My fav is when someone asks, upon watching a video I recorded in “my office” whether we have kitties. Um. Yeah. You can hear them talking to you throughout the video. Because:

  1. I have crap recording equipment in a
  2. crap recording environment
  3. cats who
  4. think if someone is talking, they must be talking to the kitties


EDIT (again): forgot where I was…
So. I need to file a complaint about my “coworkers” yapping non-stop when I am trying to record training videos. They will NOT desist, no matter how many toys I toss for them to chase…


I want a copy of this:

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I think it’s okay for Waldo to be out on the streets by himself - we don’t need off-season Seasonal Affective Disorder making things worse.

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for those of you who are worried about the lack of toilet paper


The video did not post. Tried on my Mac and iPad.

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Works peachy for me…

Weird this is what I get, I wonder why

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I’m in the same boat as Collin, no worky on my iPad either.

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here’s the ling to the original page

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Thanks for posting the link. The baby made me laugh.


With everybody hoarding toilet paper, they must be eating the stuff. So, here is the recipe for how to cook toilet paper. Very simple indeed…you brown one side and then you throw it in the pot.


had to steal and put a link on my facebook page.

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This is a black hole on Netflix that will suck you in and not let go for 7 hours.


We watched that yesterday or Saturday…yep its a worm hole.


Have you had to break curfew to repair anything yet?

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