Woodshop Training Requests Q4 2022

Once upon a time, in a thread far, far away, @IanLee said

Let’s centralize all training requests and class postings to consolidated, quarterly posts.
If you’d like a class, post it here. (mods, feel free to merge new topics into one post each quarter.)
If you’re posting a class for a certain date, announce it here.
Please remember that all classes are taught by volunteers who are giving up their own making time to teach. Woodshop and Lathe basics classes typically ask for a $10 donation to Woodshop to help cover supplies and maintenance costs.
If you’re unable to make classes repeatedly, you’re always welcome to ask for 1-1 training and / or offer teachers an incentive (like cash, rare wood, snacks, or otherwise.)
Mods is it possible to pin this in the Woodshop category?

EZ link to prior thread:


I woud like to see the basic Shapeoko class to be work with the machine.

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I want to do Shapeoko and Multicam please!

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We should probably ask @jphelps straight out for a small Shapeoko class. He’s been doing the Shapeoko III classes for the plastic SIG. I’m not sure how much crosses over between the two Shapeokos.

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I’m also interested in both the Shapeoko and Multicam. I’m happy to be a guinea pig student over a few sessions if the Multicam class is being resurrected post-covid.


Shapeoko and Multicam please!

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I’ll put a class up for Shapeoko 2 later this month on the calendar.


MultiCam & project classes that include use of multiple tools like the router and the jigsaw/bandsaws. A VCarve workshop would be great, too.

@jphelps Shapeoko classes are great…took 'em both! TY Jay~

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Moar project classes please. I missed the last cutting board class :cry:. So if we can clone @TSki that would be great!


Hi, I’m new to the space and I’d like to get the wood shop basics certification so I can use the machines?

Woodshop Basics, now open – first five folks, and GO!!


Be aware that this will be restricted to members, so you have to login to the Calendar using your username (not your email) to be allowed to take the class.


:sleepy: Damn didn’t make it to the course, any idea how often they are being given?

I just added another one for Dec 8th. It should “go live” in the next couple of days [72 hours at the longest].


I try and do 2-4 classes a month, with the holidays that schedule might be off in December.


So there I was, typing out an answer, and @tski answered before I got it all typed out!

It’s okay – I was wandering off in different directions.

The class is now live. Go!


I got it! thank you

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I’m actually not going to be able to attend on the 8th, I had a prior commitment. Could I just go to the workshop tomorrow and pay the fee in cash?

I missed the registration for the Nov30 woodshop training. Any plans to do another training? I would like to get cleared to use the table saw and planer. There are a couple projects I would like to use those tools for.

Happy to be part of the community as well. Seen a lot of great projects that have given me a ton of inspiration.

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Dude. Check the Calendar. Sort by Woodshop. Or, look up about 3 posts, and I put the link to the newest class.