Woodshop Training Requests Q4 2021

Hoping to get some lathe instruction. Got three bat blanks to turn.

Trying to sort my schedule over the next few weeks - If I’m in town I’ll get a class up and tag you. Looking for the lathe basics or do you already have that and looking for something more advanced?


Thanks! Lathe basics

I’ve added some classes:

Cutting Board, Dec 11th @ 2pm and Dec 12 @ 1pm
Woodshop Basic Jan 8th
Woodshop Basic Jan 15th

Hi, Just added a Lathe Basics for Sunday the 12th @10 AM. It should show in events in about 48 hours.


Man, I’m sorry, I’m scheduled to work that day. B shift. I’ll see what I can do.

Looks like I should be able to make it. Thanks again.

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Missed the cutting board cutoff. @j801496 if you have another date or some additional availability let me know.

If you can make Sat class, stop by. Do you need wood, it’s $40 if I provide it. No cost if you have your own.

I’ll swing by! Can I pay you for the wood at the time of class?

Sure can. See you Sat.

I just put up two classed for the cutting board and bow knife, it goes live in 48 hours.
Dec 15th 7pm - 9pm
Dec 16th 7pm - 9pm

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There is an opening in the wood shop basics class for tomorrow 9:30 am. The calander says full but if you go into it, you can register.

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Anyone up for teaching a class or 1on1 session on the CNC router? Main reason I joined. :grin: Thanks in advance!

To everyone who has asked, I’ll be putting up another cutting board class mid-late Jan.

+1 for multi-cam training

MultiCam is a SIG under the woodshop category. I recommend reading some of the recent threads there.

I just signed up for a membership at Dallas Makerspace to utilize the woodshop. After I hauled my wood in last night I was completely unaware that I needed to take a woodshop class first. I did sign up for the next woodshop class on the 5th of next month but was wondering could this be done any time sooner. Because as of right now I can’t do anything I intended to utilize my membership for and I’m at a standstill for like 2 weeks. I’m not sure who runs the woodshop class and if I’m posting this in the wrong thread please let me know where to post and who exactly to contact.

Thanks for any help with this one.

Hello all!
I am new to the makerspace. My boyfriend and I just signed up earlier this week.
We’re both very interested in the woodshop and need to get certified for the tools. I see there are a few classes on the schedule already but they’re full. Would anyone know if more are likely to be added soon? I’m looking for basics and lathe work training.
Any input is appreciated!
Thank you!

I added two classes for Basics. They should go live tomorrow.

Sat Jan 22 9:30am — 12:30pm
Sat Jan 29 9:30am — 12:30pm