Reopening date and new rules

So here’s my thoughts (for what they’re worth) on that. Social distancing is really the thing. And - I have read that 10 feet is the actual safe distance for unmasked. So stay 10 feet away from people when you’re smoking and everybody should be okay. Plus, isn’t the law 20 feet away from entrances?

7 posts were split to a new topic: Smoking Cessation

Smoking is only allowed a “good distance” from entrances at ANY time. Carrollton ordinances require a minimum of 20 feet away from a door. The picnic table out back has been moved away from the flammables tanks, sort of mid-way between the north and south back entrances. If you must smoke, that would be the area to do it.


In regards to the heat presses in the Digital Arts area of CA, I recommend that we require the use of rubber gloves when using the Ove Gloves, or bring your own heat resistant gloves.


Thanks to everyone that helped get the space open. Spent a little over an hour in the woodshop tonight and it was so nice to be back.


I’m hoping to renew my membership … I moved years ago and moved back recently.
How will getting checked out on equipment work, since it looks like the beginner classes aren’t happening at the moment (and rightly so).

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I think that you should reach out to the committees that you’re interested in. Everybody’s still a bit in limbo, and probably every group has their own ideas.

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Additionally 1:1s are still doable for many areas, and some things may be teachable online. Depends on the areas.

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