Question about new board member election and president

When are we holding our election to pick a new moment since m when one resigns there’s a mandatory scramble election to fill in the spot such as when Marshall did and when the board prior was forced to give up their chairs there’s was then a scramble election to pic a new member, and when did the the policy change on electing president? Seems strange to be the only official not elected by the memebership, I mean treasure, secretary, head of homeland security(jk) are all perfectly reasonable to be designated by the bod but the president not being voted by the public would be like our elections except nobody voted and the electoral college just picked someone they thought best

This is incorrect. When Marshall resigned, there was no election to replace him. It was months before someone replaced him. When Scott resigned, it was also sometime before he was replaced. The replacements were selected by the remaining BOD.


Hmm I remember it being the person who scored 2 in voting vs Marshall but I might recall it weird but it would seem like a huge precedent as because now we run the risk of serious issue going into a tie!

The process for filling a vacancy on the Board isn’t defined, thus it falls back to the statutes which indicate that the Board of Directors appoints a replacement. This happened twice in 2020 to fill Marshall then Scott’s seats.

Bylaws amendments were proposed in 2020 that would have among other things forced a snap replacement election, but quorum was insufficient to advance the proposals - which won a majority - so the hole in the bylaws remains.


I mean that just shows they were sworn in that doesn’t show any of the how

The bod member I’m fine without an election but the president seem like a little taking power away from
The people and more so the bod picking someone who they feel will enforce what they say the best! I’ve never heard of an institution that voted on committee leaders but let’s the board appoint the president, literally not a single institution

The President is voted upon with BOD to whom it will be.

It’s all in the verb appoint, implying that those voting on the motion have that power.

Will the president and replacement bod elections be absorbed into this process or do those have to be more toward the normal board elections protocol

The president is an officer selected by the board once a year. BOD elections only happen once a year in the spring. This thread is just for chairs, which are voted on every 6 months.


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The president does not fill the normal role you would expect a president to carry in any other organization. In our structure they are essentially the “buck stops here” person.

They are Not a person with extra powers or controls. All decisions are made by the board as a whole, and this is why we elect them.

I suspect The real reason we have a president is the legal requirement to have an individual as a point of contact for legal and financial issues.

I believe empty positions on the board are either appointed by the board themselves or are left empty if close enough to the next election.


After being observing very closely a former one I’m aware of what they do, or in some cases supposed to do! It’s not a post picture take it as you’re explaining

For your reference

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Yea just how when they get voted in by the public the minutes say appointed as well when they first
Get the position, it technically means the board doesn’t have any objections on why they should try to over turn the decision made
By any way or means so they appoint/confirm that person

No I agree with that, but a lackie and a representative of the peoples cummalative vote to carrry out the orders of the board serve 2 differnt groups of people

So now it’s conflicting, does the bod appoint one yearly or are they voted on with the bod elections

Here is a link do when Julie was asking for volunteers

Honestly if you don’t feel like explaining what’s in the link it just derails the conversation cause you have to infer what you mean to say about it

In addition here is a link where @skyspook (on behalf of the BOD) was also asking for volunteers for such positions.