Question about new board member election and president

That’s just saying he submit the bod your job application, that’s not a vote, it’s not like the us says hey anybody wanna run submit us your resumes

The bylaws are before you to study. Otherwise we are at an I can explain it to you, but I cannot understand it for you situation.


I’ve read the link, but in a truly democratic process to represent the people, minimize the people the people vote on, and let those few(now fewer) choose anybody that could provide any opposition about topics seems likes shift towards the other type of d government when everyone is so against adding a single person who get voted in
I mean why not let the gov pick 5 speakers of the house and they’ll pick the rest would you agree thatd be a valid democratic representative system

If you read the bylaws, we are not a democratic government :slight_smile:


Where in the bylaws do you read that any officer is voted on by anyone other than the board members? Members vote on chairs, which are subject to board confirmation, and the board only. There is zero provision in the bylaws for members to vote on the officers.

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You just said it yourself, they vote on them’ I’m not
Saying circumvent the approval and confirmation process
And yea thst seems weird so we want people who are members to have control who’s in charge of their room but just not have that power with the people who lead and represent them!? Seems backwards

If we’re not we should very clearly drop the do-ocracy thing because people working for the people is I think one of the corner stones of a democratic process



Is that somehow calling me ignorant! That it’s such a complex topic I’m to stupid to understand and you’ve been unable to!

I genuinely am interested in your standpoint on why not have 5 speakers of the house and they’ll pick the rest of Congress?

I didnt see anyone call you ignorant. I saw quite a few people explaining that whatever is going on in your head is not how it works here and references to the appropriate documentation(RE:BYLAWS).

I’m baffled why you keep making these parallels to civics when the model for DMS is corporate governance, which is reflected in our bylaws.

If you don’t like the model, I suggest developing an amendment proposal such as I did in 2020.


No you responded with headdesk, and the thing here is i never asked how is it here, I asked why isn’t it the way that makes more sense if being democratic so there’s nothing to explain to me I understand how it works, thst was never needed to explain that to me, but what there is to explain is why is it done the obvious less likely to foster democratic leadership

So our leader don’t act in the intrest of the people they represent? Because I can’t remember the last time my boss thought if my office was adiquate tempature over how big his bonus will be which would be corporate governance
Yea he doesn’t want it at 90 cause he knows I’ll be less productive and doesn’t want it 40 cause he’ll know I’ll die, but he’s definitely given no thought to is Chris comfortable, but his bonus….he’s thought about that more than he’s said my name


Don’t make me start throwing footballs

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Now we have summoned you. Lol

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Wrong model. Think shareholders. Otherwise our bylaws arent too dissimilar from numerous other corporate bylaws.

And again, you’re taking the wrong tack. An amendment proposal placed before a ⅔ quorum of the membership at a properly scheduled and notified special meeting is the only way to change the bylaws.

lolol…that would have been a better link than the one I used. You win again…curses!!

I’d say my post(s) was off topic, but that shouldn’t really apply when CF’s alcoholic bonobos has slipped his leash, picked the lock on the liquor cabinet, stolen his phone, and then starts posting on TALK while holding the phone with its feet (because it has a liquor bottle in each monkey paw) and typing with its prehensile tail.

:tropical_drink: :beer: :wine_glass: :monkey:

When DMS was incorporated, the manner of governance was chosen from an array of allowable options under Texas State law. Once the incorporation was complete, to change it, requires a change to By-laws by a vote of the eligible membership that has voting rights. There is a minimum quorum requirement for the vote to qualify to valid to change the by-laws. Once that is reached then it is a simple majority of the votes cast.

If you want to change our By-Laws, propose a change an get on Annual Meeting ballot or read the by-laws on how to get a special election. YOU need to read the by-laws, YOU need to study them. Or you can search the Talk Topics, there has been plenty of discussion on all the these topic.

The ONLY officers elected by members are the Five Directors. The president is selected by BoD and it doesn’t have to be a director. All of our other officers and/or agents are selected and appointed by the board. Votes at committee level and else where are really nominations expressing who they want. The BoD actually makes the appointment - over the years, not all nominees have been appointed, and someone else appointed. This happened in the past, very infrequently.

When there is board seat open, state laws allows several options, three of which are: 1. Have an election, 2. BoD selects a replacement, 3. leave seat vacant (provided there are at least 3 board members, which is to meet quorum otherwise the BoD can meet).

Personally, your endless complaining about things without taking any of the allowable actions available to you to change things (agenda items for the BoD, ballot measures, committee meeting proposals, working with appointed officers, etc.) and not taking the time to read and learn the by-laws and expecting people to spoon feed you an answer so you don’t have to do the work yourself, isn’t reasonable and to me is just a dodge of the issue so as to engage in endless rhetoric as a sport it seems at times.

You’ve apparently been a member since 2014, nothing about by-laws and our internal governance should be new.

Considering what appears to be you numerous and constant issues, when:

  • Did you last submit an item for the agenda?
  • Tried or submitted a petition to get anything on the ballot for members to vote on?
  • When have you run for being a chair (don’t have to be elected - but tried) - or asked the chair to appoint you Vice-chair?
  • What proposals have you made at committee meetings for rules?
  • What appointed positions have you applied to the BoD for?
  • What groups (like finance, infrastructure, logistics) have you have you asked to take part in or even shown up for and offered to assist with?
  • Taught classes? Great way to help correct deficiencies in how you see members doing things.

I have seen where you’ve done work maintaining equipment: Thank You. But maintenance doesn’t effect organizational change. YOU can achieve that, a lot if not most of that, occurs at committee or SIG level. You’ll gain support by being a leader with solutions.

All of the above are things YOU can do, but would have to do if you want to effect organizational change.