Pinewood Derby Rules and Information: September 17th

I’m a barbarian not an artist.

you can be both I suppose:

The kits are cheap, there is no major prize, this is meant to be a fun thing. JUST HAVE FUN WITH IT. We are going to try and make this as fun as we can, while also keeping the event safe / not damaging equipment.


Worst case scenario, you don’t run your car on the track. But, you could group up with your other buddies and race your cars outside?

Was doing some math to see if it would be possible to break the 1 second mark, with a 42’ track, would have to accelerate at 2.6g the entire track (d = 1/2 a t^2).

I’m assuming there is no way it could get enough traction to do that through the wheels, which leaves ducted fans. But the 74mm ones I could find max out at 2kg of thrust, adding up the battery, esc, arduino, body would be ~1kg of mass, which would be a theoretical max of 2g of acceleration to a 1.14 second ET (of course actual time would be slower due to friction, etc)

Does that math look like its in the ballpark?

Does anyone have a spare RC car laying around to cannibalize and want to team up on an entry?

Pinewood things are happening…at 1:30am even. Just look at that smile! Get to making just for the fun of trying something unexpected. Or just don’t and you do you.

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Might end up being an art category entry

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Anyone willing to post pictures of where they are at in the pinewood derby - get a bit of a healthy competition going online?

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Trophies? Did someone say trophies?
Come on kiddos! Get it!


Do the Standard Competition rules state that we have to use wood?

I think only for the basic BS type class.

David is right. The rules state:

But I see the ambiguity. The “Standard category” doesn’t mention this. But the Official Boy Scout rules address this by requiring that the axle, wheels and body must be made from the items in the kit.


No weight limit either.

I think I’m just going to add ball bearings to a 8x5x3.25" block of lead and see if that works.

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I think that’s covered in the ‘absolute rules’.

Let’s see. 8x5 is 40
40x3.25 is 130.
Mass of lead is 16 usoz per in^3, so that’s right at 130 lbs…

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Ps @axeonos created a trophy for the contest today as well. I’m happy everyone is getting in spirit!

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Ok I found what I’m going to use… Gallium

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No rule said that you can’t use compressed oxygen. ./evil_grin.

Or CO2 bottles right?

The bottles, yes.
But CO2? No.
To wit:

I’m not clear how CO2 bottles without CO2 will help you, but go for it!

This is how to build the perfect pinewood derby car: