Mask Mandate stay

The Supreme Court of Texas has issued a stay on Jenkin’s mask mandate Effectively voiding the order. Jenkins in response believes he can continue his order but removes the fines. This removes the argument that DMS would be fined for non compliance. This makes for a very confusing situation however, I think this also makes masks optional again. At least that seemed to be the crux from the discussion last time. So, not really a question since there was never a vote by the membership, Masks optional? Right?

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The BoD does not need a membership vote on such things.


I think you do… there is not an immediate need…

The great thing about public discourse is that you can choose to be wrong.

Anyway, here’s an article on the subject for the consideration of the membership and the Board.


NO they don’t. Immediate need doesn’t matter.


Actually, the entire discussion last thread was exactly that. The board could act because there was an immediate need… unless this is a dictatorship… the membership has a say.

Still, lets have that discussion with respect and logic about what is required.

The affairs of the Dallas Makerspace are managed by the Board of Directors, full stop. It’s laid out plainly in the Certificate of Formation as well as the bylaws.

Member meetings may conduct the following organizational business:

  1. Elect Directors at an Annual Meeting (i.e. Board Election Meeting) as called by the Board of Directors
  2. Amend the bylaws should the requirements for a Special Meeting be met and 2/3 quorum be present
  3. Recall a Director should 2/3 quorum be present

Modification of the standing rules, signing agreements, allocating funds and other aspects of managing the organization are all the domain of the Board.


So you are saying you have amended the by laws? Could you please post the by laws on masks?

Getting the impression you haven’t attended to many BoD mtngs or open work sessions. They vote on a number of things without a membership vote. Membership input - yes. Membership gets to vote once a year for BoD, bylaws, rules, etc.


Yes but the mask mandate has never been part of a BOD meeting that was announced. The entire explanation was that DMS had to comply with Jenkin’s mask mandate. Which is no longer in force. There is no fine so there is no need. Can’t see why this is an issue.

I am at loss how you would reach that conclusion. The last major change to the bylaws was logged in 2018. Alternatively, here is the sum total of changes since their approval 27 May 2011.

The policy was announced here, the meeting minutes authorizing the policy are here.


You can’t just make a policy without a reason and your reason is no longer valid.

Your argument is pointless.
Until the BoD says otherwise, put your bleeping mask on and move on.
Get over yourself…


Here is the quote, “Per the Dallas County order for all commercial entities” The order no longer stands. The rest becomes moot.

And I will be respectful of you even though you are showing contempt for me.

Take it up with the Board.

The organization can mandate this even if the County order has been stayed in court - i.e. restaurants can mandate dress codes for the general public if they so desire.


Really? That is the answer? The BOARD CAN MANDATE"? Without the Membership?

And I am deeply moved…as in moving on.


The BOARD directly stated, “Per the Dallas County Order”… How can you mandate on something that no longer exists? How about treating us as adults and let us decide?