Let's Talk about Happiness

I cope with humor. Stoic, dry, and often dark humor. If I’m not finding humor in things it’s a good indication that I’m struggling. Like now. When that happens I turn to others for humor. Maybe these videos will put a smile on someone’s face like they have for me. Those who know me may have seen some of these.

All are videos of comedians telling true stories in scenarios that can best be described as tragic.


The “this is not happening” series is one of the best nuggets of comedy on the internet. I highly recommend it.


Alton Brown’s recipe is easy peasy:


I have been working, playing video games, spending time with kids, working on projects around the house, cooking, sharing memes with friends and working on ceramics to stay sane. I’m currently playing Link’s Awakening and it’s a perfect distraction. I would appreciate any recommendations for similar games. :slight_smile:


I tend to go on long walks with music to destress. That plus making sure I get enough positive social interaction through online events.

I also play CS:GO. I’ve had surprisingly productive philosophical and political discussions on there.

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Maybe check Mario games for similar game play style.


Interesting! I’ve been using a recipe from a book called Bravetart, for both making english muffins they’re pretty different recipes, I might have to see what difference they make.

For the record, I think the bravetart one is even simpler :stuck_out_tongue:


I am so out of touch with Mario games. The last one I played was Super Mario World for SNES. I started a new game on that but would like to try something new - what do you recommend?

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Also, Alton’s:

And I thought I should listen to an actual Englishman (or lady, but not in this case) about English Muffins:

Never done any of them, though, myself…
When I look at the work, I remember I only marginally like EM, and nobody else in my house or circle of friends care for them at all… But then I wonder if that would change if I made fresh ones… Hmm…

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The book I have has a whole page on the history of these things. Apparently some british cookbooks from the 1800s called this style of muffin ‘American muffins’.

And yeah that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing. The recipe in the book uses butter instead of honey and egg, and drops the whole wheat flour, but the rest is the same. Very long rise but almost no effort to make. Allegedly because this allowed the muffin men who used to sell them to have more time on the streets and less time stuck baking. Once houses got ovens and could do their own baking it quickly fell out of fashion, and since someone could be in the kitchen more often, quicker recipes like Alton’s began to emerge, where the yeast is more for flavor than to aid in gluten development.

I don’t really care for the store bought myself. The best comparison I can make is that the store bought have a texture like white bread while the homemade are more like the inside of a baguette, notably chewy.


Not much of a gamer, so asked kiddo, she likes Zelda Call of the wild, and Animal Crossing, wants to try the link game.


Weird that one mentions no-knead and the other has you roll them out and cut them. The Alton recipe is basically a batter you pour into ring molds on a griddle. Only 30 minute proofing time and cook 4-5 minutes per side. I added some sourdough starter for a little zing.


I’ll confess that was a big turn off for me reading the recipe. I have no rings, and I’m not using tuna cans to make some (I can think of some OTHER ways I might do, but not that… ew.).


sounds like a maker project for when we reopen. Yep not making tuna muffins.


Gonna try to respond to everyone that’s posted since I was here last!

@TBJK I’m glad you and yours are thriving! Different things affect people in different ways. That doesn’t mean they let things “define” them. Also ouch on having to buy two new laptops!

@heyheymama I feel for all those seniors who are missing so much this year. I’m also sorry for everything else you and yours are going through. Feel free to reach out if you need to talk/vent/whatever.
I like “The Great Pause” as a name for this. It makes it feel more temporary than it has been feeling for me. Optimistic even. I adore how ya’ll are choosing to spend your time together<3 The scoreboard is pretty fantastic!

@lukeiamyourfather I’m a big fan of T.J. Miller! I even saw him at UT Dallas when he preformed for us a few years back. Laughter is fantastic medicine for the soul.

@Lordrook I’ll check it out! Thanks for the suggestion!

@Lampy I <3 Alton Brown so much <3 If you like cooking videos/shows check out Binging With Babish on Youtube!

@Julie-Harris I have Links Awakening for the old black and white gameboy! It’s a phenomenal game. I tend to relax with Story of Seasons (The REAL Harvest moon since XSeed and Natsume split and Natsume made HM into a terrible game.)(I have STRONG feelings about the ruin of Harvest Moon.)

@raffi Walks are GREAT! You get some sunshine and fresh air and it’s always fun to get lost in the shapes of the clouds. We have been taking walks to the nearest Pokestop recently! I’ve never heard of CS:GO- I’ll check it out!

@michaelb Thanks for the History lesson on English Muffins!


Things I have Found Wonderful in Quarantine:

A podcast by a Yale professor who studies happiness. She is a fantastic speaker and every episode has kept my full attention…which is hard when you have ADD. It’s educational, inspirational in a way, and captivating. 10/10 so far.

It’s Ramadan and I work with mostly middle easterners so every day this week I have brought in something to share for Iftar (when the sun sets and they eat) Hopefully tonight we will have time to sit near-ish each other and talk. They love to share stories and I loooove learning about other cultures and religions.
If you have elderly family members reach out to them and ask them to share life stories! You will learn so much more about them.

Youtube has a lot of free Yoga videos.

is my personal favorite. All of her videos are adaptable for people at any skill level and you can pick your practice based on the time you have. I use them as my daily workouts but they are also a form of active meditation for me since I CAN NOT sit still and meditate to save my life.

OH, and Jeopardy. It’s on every day at 7:30pm
Idk about ya’ll but I am a fiend for trivia and you can play it with whoever you are imprisoned with or play over facetime/skype.

Alex Trebek is a national TREASURE.


I have the original Link’s Awakening too. So far I’m really happy with the Switch version and I have been surprised how much of it I am remembering after around 25 years. I will look for Story of Seasons - thanks! :slight_smile:

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I have been trying to find an affordable switch for about three weeks. :sweat_smile:

I have SoS on my 3DS, however if you have a computer/Steam you might also like Stardew Valley.

Idk what it is about (most) farming simulation games. They are soooo relaxing.

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For the Jeopardy, James, Brad, and/or Ken fans out there. It was a fun tournament.
I weep a smidge for this COVID crap in the midst of Alex’s struggle, but it’s very selfish of me (for more than just that) to think “I really wish Alex was taping right now”.

Whatever your opinion of his other work, I really enjoy tuning in for Dennis Prager’s Happiness Hour; I think he makes many great points surrounding happiness, how we not only CAN be the master of our own happiness, but how it’s a moral obligation to humanity as a whole for us to work toward true happiness each on our own and the larger happiness of “us” will follow. There’s a collection of this out there, if you’re into paying for podcast (I’m not).

My brother has gotten very good with this, and has started handing out either/or sometimes both micro-recorders (cassettes, back when; digital now) and the pocket-sized spiral notebooks and pencil, and asking “the old-timers” to speak/write down whatever stories they’d tell their grandkids. Then he collects them, listens/reads, and visits on them the next time he has a chance with said person. He wrote/published a book for my Dad’s 75th birthday, and I learned a TON! I’ve never managed to see most of his other work, but I know he’s done several “for family only”-type things. I missed his first one, too, spotlighting “the oldest drag racer in Texas”. I think that happened over 25 years ago and was published in a paper… I should look for that… (better yet, pick up the habit of instigation). :+1:

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Staying away from food - because we all know that we all find happiness in food:

I’m finding some happiness in a decent exercise routine. Staying healthy helps me to feel better (duh) but also gives me hope that once the inevitable happens and I do catch something (be it Covid19, a regular cold or whatever) that I’ll be in a better place to fight it off!

2 Videogames have been taking up a chunk of time:

  1. Pokemon Go. I know that it’s a silly video game, but most are. It’s nice to have a bit of additional purpose in getting out for walk/runs, and I’ve added some ‘friends’ that I’m playing with remotely (PM Me if you want to link accounts!)
  2. Michelle finally got me hooked into Minecraft. I know that I’m about a decade behind the times on that one, but it’s been a nice, fun distraction

Finally: ZOOM/VIDEO CALLS WITH FRIENDS! For the past month, Michelle and I have been hosting a weekly Zoom call with a bunch of random friends. It’s always a crazy time but it’s so nice to have that human interaction. If you’re the social type and need to communicate, it gives you that avenue, for the more shy, it lets them watch in on a bunch of us crazies and we don’t pressure them into much conversation that they don’t want to be involved in. If you want to get added into a call with us, let me know and I’ll get you added onto the invite list!