How can DMS help during COVID-19?

The awesome work done by @richmeyer and our community in figuring out how we could get our surplus of N95 masks to organizations that need them got me thinking, what other ways can we help? I know we’ve got a lot of awesome people and ideas, but before we start throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks I think we should figure out a good structure of how we can communicate those ideas/offers without overloading already overworked response teams.

To that end, I’m thinking it may be wise to appoint a coordinator or a very small (e.g. 3 people) group of coordinators, who can be a filter for our brainstorming and then reach out to our local government agencies as needed.

Please keep this topic to discussing the organization work we need to do, I figure once that’s hammered out we can create a specific Talk category for brainstorming and refining ideas on how to help.

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I can help with this effort as well.

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6 posts were split to a new topic: Brainstorming: How can DMS help during COVID-19?

Here’s my suggestion:

  1. Create public Talk category for COVID-19 Coordination.
  2. Appoint up to 3 volunteers to be our Outreach Coordinators, and authorize them to speak to local agencies on our behalf.
  3. Start creating topics in that forum for specific ideas using the following formatting for topic titles:
    [IDEA] - Brainstorming and figuring out the logistics of an idea.
    [REQUEST] - Requests that have been vetted by our Outreach Coordinators.
    [ACTIVE] - Projects that are in active development/deployment.
    [RESOURCE] - Specific services/resources our members are offering to provide (e.g. grocery delivery).