turn them fast but gently.
That’s the batch he sent me. That’s why I need to know if there are names I missed.
I was making a joke about how many classes John teaches…
Thank you, I will be in Thursday eve to pick it up
Nice work ,milling ,tapping.turning,planning,
Nice design. I like that.
My Daughter playing in the mirror. My entry for the Photography SIG’s Shadows and Reflections challenge.
Next month we are doing a hands-on lighting event for food and beer photography! 9/25 @ 7:30 PM.
All are encouraged to bring their camera and a preferred subject (bonus points if you bring some to share).
We plan to apply what we learn to a product photography class at a later date.
Made this for my husband in the leather belt class tonight. Great class! (And tasty honey mead that he makes) Thanks @Lordrook
I assembled a Prusa i3 MK3 kit. It’s been a while since I made something just for fun so it was very refreshing to do.
Random note, torque screw drivers are awesome and I had no idea they existed before this project. I was having trouble getting the frame to be perfectly square. Turns out I was over torquing the fasteners causing the frame to warp (thanks Prusa forums for the help). With a torque screw driver I was able to precisely tighten the fasteners and the frame warping wasn’t an issue after that.
Never seen a husky brand torque screwdriver. I have seen others though.
@Lordrook 's belt class is awesome!
I wear the belt I made every day. It has eclipsed all my other belts because it looks and smells great!
For those of you who have patiently endured my hauling live edge, spalted and bug riddled slabs in/out of the woodshop, here’s a few pics of what they become after a “tad” more work, sweat, epoxy, LEDs & fire glass:
Spalted Maple:
Same, different view:
Walnut after serious carpenter ant feast:
I very much want to make a console type table similar to this.
Looks great!
Yesterday I taught my first quilting class.
It took us an hour and a half longer than expected (a total of 7.5 hours of class time), but these troopers powered through! We learned a lot for a first time class and I have a lot of changes to incorporate for when I teach it next time.
I’ll be dropping it off at my closest Project Linus drop spot once I’ve finished the one in my queue!
Thanks for teaching, Shay! We had a lot of fun.
Well done, and such a worthy cause.
For people who may not be familiar with Project Linus, their primary mission is to:
Provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer “blanketeers.”
Hello. I found my badge stuck on the HAAS last night. Thank you for making these. I will wear it proudly and hopefully helps people find someone to ask questions to. cheers!