Dallas Makerspace Show and Tell - October 2017

Me too. Or Fiberglass. Never been able to self-start, though. love to see some composite classes round here… :slight_smile:

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These turned out great! :clap:

Made a “gnome door” to put up in a local “gnome lane” nearby.

Scrap wood and 3D printed “hardware” for the door.

Stilll need to make a doorframe.


Banana for scale? :blankspace:


A standard banana for scale…

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Something like that along with the article on OOB backdoors for 2600 magazine and Defcon.

Also can’t forget - https://vintage-computer-committee.github.io

Finally, STEM classes:



I inadvertently provided An iPhone shadow for scale :slight_smile:


I don’t show and tell a lot of my costumes but I thought I would share this one. Darth Maul: costume created out of silk, linen and cotton blends. Horns are painted latex and makeup is by Christina Revis.


Very nice. Who did the double ended light saber?

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Ultrasaber is the company I believe

About the final flush of peppers.


Very nice Ken. I only got a few peppers out of my garden last year, so I didn’t bother this year. By peppers I mean milder Jalapeños & Serrano

Sure, I’m getting prepped to cold treat some in the freezer. I’ll get you a selection.

What no N2 Mister Freeze?

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That is absolutely amazing.

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CNC’d cribbage board, destined to be a Christmas present for my dad. Made on a home brew CNC router at the Fort Collins Creator Hub in Colorado.

Update: now stained.

p.s. Black is cheating.


I always get nostalgic for Cribbage; it was my grandfather’s game. He would teach each grandkid (sons but one) to play “in turn”. Once said child won a game, it was over. Alas, he passed away before I was the chosen, as the youngest. I occasionally think I should learn to play, but then I remember I suck at games, and don’t really like them, either. But I sure like looking at craftsmanship like this that makes me nostalgic for the good times we had NOT using his set!


Just in time for the holidays - we had another metal pen making class. The class, who gets to compete for the completed pen insisted on a brass pen so that’s what we did. It was a fierce battle of Rock/Paper/Scissors but in the end “There can be only One”. Congratulations I hope everyone had fun.


hey… been a while since I’ve ran into those guys. How’s the Creator club doing these days?

FCCH is (very) slowly growing. They moved into a larger space last year (out of the basement of the art gallery they were using). They have added some co-working spaces, and hope to double the size of the space when they can move into other space in the building.

This year they’ve added some metal working tools (lathe and 2 knee mills - all manual). On the woodworking side they’ve added a large jointer and a small, portable planer (on loan). Hugh is making good progress on his homebrew 140 watt large bed laser to supplement the tiny 40 watt Chinese import they also have.

They had a booth at the Denver Makerfaire this year as well as the local Comicon.

One clever (IMHO) thing they are doing is having Docents at the space for about 20 hours/week. These folks volunteer in lieu of dues to help newbees in the use of the laser, 3D printer, et al. Since the total membership is still small, knowing that the Docents will be there at set times helps folks to learn and get comfortable using the tools. Otherwise, it’s hard to reach that critical mass of folks present to allow easy cross-training.