Dallas Makerspace Show and Tell - February 2017

This pic incorporates several projects, the spindle, the blue bamboo thread, and the crocheted pouch under the brown dish. And of course, all done under close cat supervision :slight_smile:

(Longer blather for those that care):

The spindle is prototype 2.0 for a support spindle class I’ll be teaching the end of this month for Fibers/CA. I’ve been messing with cheap easy parts to hack into cheap easy-assemble minimum viable product so that folks can try it cheap, take home and practice, then later upgrade to nice spindle if they want. Although actually, I’m liking this one quite a bit. I see some pyrography or paint in its future. Maybe both. :slight_smile: I altered the physics of its spin in the way I sanded the angle of the top end of the spindle, and placement of the whorl, and it works a lot better now.

Then obviously, I’ve been test-driving the spindle. My current spinning project, the blue thread, is bamboo. It’s spun from a clouded prep (poofed up using handcards). This spindle right now represents many hours/evenings of spinning so far (fine thread is slow-going). This is a practice project while I’m making friends with spinning bamboo on this type of tool versus spinning wheel, deciding which tool I’ll use for a larger project, same type of fiber. So I’m leaning towards the support spindle. Enjoyable and portable. Slower than the wheel, but easier to get very very fine thread. I plan on weaving with it. So the blue is practice for the spinning tool and technique, and later working out the weaving. The actual project I’m sampling for is bamboo fiber dyed in Monet’s Waterlilies colors that I want to spin into thread to weave a long narrow curtain for the tall skinny window beside my front door.

The blue crocheted thingy under the brown dish the spindle tip rests in during spinning, that I crocheted out of some wool/silk handspun extra I had laying around because I wanted a pouch that I could store the dish in to protect in so it didn’t get banged around in the storage box (12" plastic pencil/school box) I keep my project in when not in use. Plus it needed to double as the cloth I use under the dish spinning (I keep something narrow and long so I can roll up one edge and rest the dish at a shallow angle while spinning so the spindle tip is kind of in the corner edge of the dish, not scooting all over). So I designed the pouch big enough for the dish, but and extra long flap, so plenty of room to roll and adjust its function as needed.


I’ll throw my hat in the ring.

A decent QUALITY photo

The basic concept of the whole thing. The top is now routed as seen below though:

Thanks to the tremendous help from @Brian today. So should have it inlayed by tomorrow or Friday and then can affix the table top, then wipe all the saw dust off it and start varnishing and getting it finished up.

A notation about WHAT you’ve made
Well, a table.

WHO you are (for attribution on the blog)
AgVet is fine.

HOW you’ve made it
Nothing special, just standard procedures. I guess the most interesting part was gluing up layers of a African Mahogany, Soft Maple, and African Mahogany sandwich and then cutting the blanks out on the bandsaw using templates cut on the laser cutter as a guide. That’s how I got the curved legs.

I have a bay window in my apartment and needed a specific size of table to fit there. Nothing I found commercially was very appealing and buying a set would cost ~$500 at the least. Thus far, my costs are ~$200 as far as making it (not including membership fees). Lots of time though. Probably about 20 hours at this point and I’d wager about 5 more to go (plus lots of time spent waiting for the next coat of varnish application.


I am helping to create the stencils, LED timer/start stop light, judge’s arena control box, arena lighting, and printing posters for our first robot combat match in the southwest area in almost 10 years (since Mike’s hobby shop). It’s March 12th at Banana Raceway!


I became a member online at the end of january, but this past thursday night was my first time being able to come in and pick up my key fob and take a class. I chose the 3D printer intro class and decided to make a tiny keychain out of a logo (i chose my job’s super cute monkey logo). I ran into some problems trying to fix the png file and several members, including Pierce and Mike, were sooo nice and helpful and basically walked me through all of it, up to picking my colors and making it a reality. Mike was also the one that suggested that I post my first piece on these forums.
I am so thrilled that i got this opportunity and this place might destroy me because i forsee myself being here in all waking hours outside of my jobs.


That really is a super cute monkey!

Welcome to the Space! Pearce and Mike are great guys ~ it doesn’t surprise me that they helped you with your first (very cute) print!

Thanks for posting a picture of it! Looking forward to seeing what else you make! :smiley:


Took the 2/7 Metaza class and engraved a few things.

Also took the Shapeoko class so I’ve been using that too. I don’t learn anything for like 9-11 months and then in a week I learn two new tools. The first cut is in 3/4" MDF and the second cut is in 2-ply Rowmark plastic (and it’s my settings picture so you can see what settings I used to cut it too, although I probably need to bring the feed rate up a little bit as my edges weren’t as clean as I want them to be).

-the purring dork


Nixy tube clock. By Ben Reid. Awesome.


@patrickpleez1, That’s a kewl project… Could you please ask Ben to consider logging in and telling us more about it? Did he use a kit, or source it all himself? What motivated him to make it? Etc… Thanks! :smiley:

Are the digits of the nixie clock not all visible because of some sort of muxing that the camera catches?

I laser cut a delrin stamp for leather. I’m still working out the details and settings but this is looking pretty good.


Refresh scan probably slower than the camera exposure. Throw in a rolling shutter and all the post-processing that cameras and phones do matter of course and it becomes remarkably hard to photograph electronic displays.

Main socket drawer now has 3d printed socket organizers inside laser cut foam, in theory it will be very obvious where you are supposed to return the socket set to.


Awesome! What kind of foam is it?

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That’s a great idea using the foam in combination with the plastic socket organizers.

I ordered off Amazon from https://www.5ssupplies.com/5s-tool-foam/ https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00ZYUXORM/
It’s a closed cell polypropylene foam, also experimented with kaizen brand foam(same type but less dense) but the two pieces of foam with double sided tape inbetween approach is much easier to laser


I’m Kelly… and made a fashion tech necklace from a project online, because I need something to wear to FAB Now this weekend!. I bought neopixel rings from Microcenter, soldered the connections to Gemma microcontroller, uploaded the Adafruit animations, and 3D printed more of the necklace. (I may go back and design a necklace and print with ninjaflex later.)


Enameled Heart Pendants Workshop -

Here is a class where I taught the basics in Enameling on copper and here are some of the pieces folks made :).

Jewelry / Small Metals,