Coronavirus : outcome over blown

Did you actually get tested and it’s confirmed you have the Coronavirus?

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You’re missing the fact that the hospitals don’t have the capacity to care for those people at the current rate of infections. This is about preventing the health system from being overwhelmed because that impacts even people who don’t have COVID-19. Only caring about your own symptoms is shortsighted and selfish. People like you thinking it’s just flu but a little worse will cause more people to die needlessly. Please reconsider?

Maybe in the future society will invest in something like what Bill Gates proposed in 2015. By the way, the simulation in his presentation with 33 million deaths worldwide is a better outcome than the outcome for the current simulations for COVID-19.



listening to this nutcase


Great. Now go say that to the dead proof (or their families) that this shouldn’t be taken lightly. Because it’s very preventable if people stop making light of it.

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The point I got from Russell’s post is that deaths per case are going to be overstated because those folks with mild cases won’t be tested.

Sure, I get it. There just aren’t enough tests to check everyone. And there will be many deaths, probably more than a normal flu season because the highly susceptible can’t get vaccinated.

Still, it skews the statistics when the mild cases aren’t recorded. I mean, right now the shut downs make some sense. But - are they going go on too long bbecause “tthey” are expecting more cases that have actually already occurred but not been tested?

As the saying goes, there are lies, damn lies, and statistics.


As the saying goes, there are lies, damn lies, and statistics.

Very well said. Thank you :v:

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Statistics account for 37.291% of all lies or potential lies.


I understand that you take this very seriously because you are one of the highly susceptible. And, the current cases show that not all of the highly susceptible realize that they are. But if the only way to prevent it is to shut down the economy, that doesn’t sound particularly reasonable. We’ll see how it goes.

Yes- I get it that we’re trying to keep the serious cases down so that there is a chance of not overwhelming the medical system.

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Listen to this please.

We can argue about numbers and statistics until we’re blue in the face but the results speak for themselves. Hospitals are overwhelmed in areas that have managed the spread of the virus poorly. The responses like social distancing (and closing the space) are to prevent the health care system from being overwhelmed. The goal is to social distance enough that hospitals can handle the load. New York state said they think they’ll need 37K intensive care beds and they have 5K. Thankfully that’s just one area and we can do better than that in other places - like Dallas.


You know, I don’t give a shit about the economy. I am an adult U.S. citizen with a minimal house payment on a house I could pay off tomorrow, no car payments for almost 20 years and minimal other debt. I don’t give a damn about the economy because I have seen what’s coming for the entire 30 years of my adulthood and have saved and prepared for it. That is what responsible adults do.

I am tired of hearing that some percentage of us should just die so others can do whatever the hell they like as long as they get to eat a fatburger at a fast-food tomorrow.

I hope I live to see some of those people brought to account for their cavalier attitudes.

Buckle up because this is just getting started.


I’d guess she doesn’t have the money to hire a lawyer.

If the US economy was tooled to have everyone have at least an “oh shit” cushion to stay at home for 8 weeks, I’d understand not giving a fuck about it further, but uhh… that’s one of the reasons why our response is going to be bad, dude. An individual response to a systemic issue will get you murked.

And before you say “I am a responsible adult, everyone else is not”, that’s a pointless response. It’s a systemic issue, viral plagues do not care about individual merit.

We should be guided by science not superstition. So i assume that we have understanding consideration for the following phonemes in these classic experiments.
Milgrim Experiment

The Standford Experiment

That we understand the fear is no reason for civil disorder. I would ask people to consider that fear puts one at disadvantage economically and makes one appear weak if the our actions are not in proportion to the threat at hand. I acknowledge not being afraid when the problem is real is as my family has said and as the scholarly people of the past have said… If everyone is jumping off the bridge would i then also join them for mere need to conform or for the reasons of being popular amongst my peers.

Further i realize that psychology has limitation and that it is best for ones own self diagnostics and ones own health. That medical diagnosis of psychology are poor at creating decent unbiased laws free from prejudice. Mostly because psychology revolves around stereotype that lead toward conjecture. Thus the Thud experiment shows this conjecture.

So i do see unemployment as also causing death.

I do not doubt people sanity. We are acting in confusing times. Rash thinking usually leads towards bad decisions.

I do not mind metalicas desire for pessimism and desire for critical thinking as a true form off revolution from propaganda and dogma. Yet i believe a more reserve form of decorum will properly sooth torture psyche of makerspace people. Perhaps in a better time under better circumstances we could have worked towards mutual benefit. Perhaps with better aims and ideals the brother hood of man could stand and prosper… but it seems less likely with hurt bodies and hurt feelings. We can not change weather our bodies are hurt, but i believe we can change our feeling and disposition to each other. That a respect for out fellow citizen my serve us better in the weeks to come.

Source? :rofl:


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Jswilson64 i believe there is no source for Mblatz statistics… it was concept of irony… it is probably a metaphor.

Is your browser set up to not show emojis?

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No he only sees meaning through music.

And why not? Gotta spin the records backwards to get the full message though.


I thought we were trying to keep the serious cases down to save lives.