Coronavirus : outcome over blown

If we could eliminate heart disease by tanking the economy for a year or so, that would be a great bargain. Sign me up. Unfortunately, heart disease is unavoidable. Coronavirus isn’t.

You’re too focused on where we are now vs. where we’re going to be at the end of April. You either don’t understand the facts or you are relatively indifferent to the suffering this disease will cause. Pick one.


Can i choose two with the addition of the option of ignoramus?

There is a difference between singing songs in a circle, and not swearing at and insulting each other.

Also, if we are going to sing a song, it won’t be kumbaya. I am angling for some Metallica


The relatively low number of deaths is due to the actions that have been taken by governments all over the world. It’ll get worse before it gets better. A lot worse. It might not seem that bad right now. Then again, a month ago, I would’ve said there’s no way cities in America would be shutting down, and there’s no way someone would die from the virus a mile from me. Yet here we are.

Conservative projections based on simulations are in the tens of millions of deaths worldwide. Nobody in good conscience can disregard that information. Either you’re the smartest person in the world and you know something nobody else does or you’re simply wrong on the matter. Please reconsider your stance on this because it impacts other people besides yourself.


I muted this conversation a few days ago, and now I regret it.


I see the downed economy as destroying human being through suicide, murder, and generally armed robbery. So if I perceive (through my own calculation for my own opinion) the deaths due to the stalled economy out way the average Coronavirus death rate from the pool of similar countries (Mexico Europe Canada Japan, south Korean and USA). I want the lesser of two evils. I want to see less people dead. I see the stalled economy as perhaps worse. That is the purpose of this thread. I have played this thought and I tried to take the opposite view in a different thread. “lukeiamyourfather” Thank you for your civil disagreement. I am sorry that reading these post is suffering a melodrama.

I think you need to go back and re-read what I wrote.

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Something like “Welcome Home” (Sanitarium)?

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“Millions of deaths” is a compelling argument, so is 1/12th of humanity dying in the Spanish Flu.

I haven’t seen projections which put the mortality anywhere near 8% of the global population. That was an enormous die-off, after an enormous kill-off of 10 million in WW1, which paled in comparison.

With some skill & luck, we will keep it below 3.6%, globally. In the USA, I expect it much lower still.

Of note: I picked-up something, about 36 hours ago the symptoms began. Last night was a cold sweat with manageable fever and some mild palpitations. The respiratory symptoms are mild congestion, and nothing in sinus or throat. There is some GI distress, but I don’t need 200 rolls of toilet paper, and the soup is staying down.

I will keep you posted: stay home and stay well. God bless America!


The United States has done an objectively bad job at containing the spread of COVID-19 (sources in the comments).


Does your graph compensate for the population difference between the USA and Italy? The legend states “cases total”.

Also the legend states “11 day lag”. Looks like 2 major discrepancies in this post…the 3rd problem is that Italy’s cases numbers are projected to March 30, that’s 3 major errors.

Looks like #FakeNews, thanks for the update. How can you draw a conclusion from #FakeNews? That’s irresponsible during worried times.

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I hope you get to feeling better Russell.

Yeah i have seen that chart circulating a lot, I would really like to that chart with population and hospital resources available. I am not saying it won’t get bad here, just that it’s a bit misleading with just case to case comparison.


This was from that same Reddit post. It will be interesting with more testing

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In other news, a friend owns a couple of 7-11s here in town. Today some asshole deliberately coughed on one of her employees and laughed in her face about it.

Those types of actions are caused by those who minimize the seriousness of this situation.

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My sister in law waxes for a living. She had a customer come in with the virus, because her Dr. husband said it was ok. She didn’t say anything until they were done. So she is now out of work for 2 weeks. I heard a few of her coworkers quit because of it.

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A friend of my sister returned from vacation in Spain recently. That friend is now on a ventilator in Dallas in intensive care with Covid-19.

Six degrees of separation . . .

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I hope she reports the Doctor husband to the medical board and pursues both of them for her lost earnings (at the very least).


It’s not fake news. Comparing the various responses is appropriate and the opposite of irresponsible.

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