Coronavirus : outcome over blown

So let me respond as best as i can. Both Liberals and Conservatives have been getting flack and disease from china. I think that most liberals believe in capitalism and some liberals believe in socialism. In capitalism we have rights… of these rights the right to own property. Of that property we are thus also responsible and this responsibility is scary in sight of data or the lack of consistent data on a topic of international disease that has killed people. I believe that socialist china impedes the individual pursuit of personal health. We are currently in a capitalist economy and we do not have the same disadvantages. Our economy has played with socialistic policies and i admit this.

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I’m serious, are you on drugs?

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Bad number get put out all the time.

Based on the content of your posts I felt I should ask. That might excuse some of the absolutely insane things you’ve said. That being said. I’m not sure what your issue is then. Must be alternative facts.

Can I just ask that everybody calm down please. Whether you believe the virus is a threat or not, insulting each other and calling each other names is not helping anybody. It could be argued that is in fact making the situation and the panic surrounding situation, justified or not even worse.


I will believe your claims a medical evaluation of insanity the day you are liable for medical malpractices. We joke here. We insult here. I get it. But out of the box i seem to be getting personally attack for a proposed idea. Other are saying i don’t have the right to make the thesis of this thread and take it down. What other civil liberties are you asking me to give up on. Should i be afraid oh threat on my person? Should i be afraid of people stalking me at makerspace? How about people wanting to steal my personal items?

You’re probably pretty safe from being stalked at the Makerspace right now.


No Satanists in the White House. Ok. But you’re ok handing the launch codes to someone who believes In an invisible sky man who listens to our thoughts and plans it when a child suffers for months and dies from cancer. That’s cool by you?


Can’t we all just sit in a circle and sing kumbaya? No, no we can’t.

Given the entire interaction above i don’t see it that way. When you are around wood saws you need to have a certain level of trust. I don’t know… I don’t know anymore… We dehumanize each other so quickly. It just seems like people are so willing to take that next step in anger.

Seems to me, she was saying you needn’t worry about it right now cause you can’t get in the door, guy.


So now criticism = threats?

Also this is DMS, you have no guarantee of civil liberties. DMS is not the government.

People are trying to get the point across that you are, with reckless abandon, ignoring the facts.
They are going to various lengths to get this point across.

Criticism is productive. IF YOU PAY IT ATTENTION. In this case you are basically saying…



I believe as Sir Iaac Newton believed and So did CS Lewis. My beliefs don’t affect your civil liberties. If your beliefs are correct then you be better off. You have beliefs your thoughts can be false from time to time. we all are sane and rational. You have beliefs you just say none of your beliefs should be religious… fine.right? and Still have the right to my civil liberties freedom of religion?

I did not care about your emotions on the topic about disease i wanted facts… in fact i want this topic to not pertain to emotions… as i find i clouds rational judgement. So your number justifying your fear is? 300 deaths in America over the course of two weeks. Does this sum up your position as it relates to math or have i left something out?

the Death in the United states.

the Deaths in last couple of weeks due to coronia virus

You can take your pick but about less than 500 in three weeks.
For these 500 we have shut down much of the economy, based off of predictions of data we obtain from china and other countries… Countries with vastly different health care systems. And the data based our prediction off of may not have been taken to the same standard as those obtained in American hospitals. I think our margin of error is large but fail to quantify it.

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