Coffee 101 Class!

Hey y’all,

I’ll be having a class about coffee on Saturday May 30th at 3:30 to 4:30 pm in the Interactive Classroom, the blue floor room. We’ll be discussing a brief history of coffee, the way coffee gets to commercial market (i.e. plant to bean to store), brewing methods, and then finally a coffee tasting. I have acquired a decent amount of coffee for this class, with multiple different roasts and caffeine levels! Fyi, there will be decaf. And I will provide a brief assortment of sugars, milk, and cream if that suits your coffee needs. Let me know if you have any additional questions or need information related to this class or coffee in general. I work at Starbucks, so coffee is kind of my thing. Please come enjoy some coffee with me! :smile:

P.S. If you’ll be attending, please rsvp by visiting this link and asking for a “ticket.” This will simply allow me to know how much materials to bring with me and what/who to expect. Coffee 101 Class! Tickets, Sat, May 30, 2015 at 3:30 PM | Eventbrite


Heck yeah! HeckyeahHeckyeahHeckyeahHeckyeah!!!


I quite like coffee.


Why is not surprising to me that this is the first place I’ve seen you post here :wink:

If it turns out anything like this, count me in.


I only drink a cup of coffee per quarter (every 3-4 months), but I believe this will be super interesting! Thank you for setting this class up!

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I love coffee, so I’m in.

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Once per quarter? Or per quart?

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Those who don’t are crazy! :wink:

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Too funny! I clarified my post a bit…see you soon!

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I want to learn how to make a legit cappuccino. I have that super cheap Mr Coffee espresso maker in the snack room if you want to use it for the class (I know coffee snobs probably use expensive pump machine).


Bring it to the class and we can try to use it.

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I can bring our Aeropress too, if you’d like. Makes really tasty espresso shots to make other fancier drinks with :9


Yes! Bring it! Let’s try it out!

So, @Heather_Williamee has agreed to bring her Viet coffee equipment. So, if anyone else wants to bring any other equipment to show/tell/sample or simply wants to learn a new way to brew coffee then please do so. I can also bring tea equipment/a small assortment of teas if I have enough takers. I’m really excited about this class! Thanks for showing interest and putting up with my babbling! I can’t wait to see everyone Saturday afternoon! :smile:

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So, my friend just came back from Guatemala and is delivering coffee beans. Should we have a follow up meetup so I can share?

In the meantime, what is the best way to store coffeee beans?

Thank you!


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Yes we should have a follow up meetup for sharing! Also, the best way to store coffee beans is in airtight containers like tupperware, canning jars, vacuum-sealed bags, or obsessively squeezed air free ziploc bags as a last resort. The ziploc bags you have to be super careful with, and spend a legitimate 5 to 10 minutes squeezing out every bit of air. Also, store them where they will not get ripped or melted. Last pro-tip is to date all the beans for a month from when you open them, because they’ll lose flavor and oxygenate (provided you open them). :smile:

I will not open the bag (because I have had my cup for the next three months). The bag appears sealed, but I can still smell the coffee beans. If someone has a bean grinder, you can take some home with you.

The proceeds ot this coffee purchase went to Fundaninos orphanage in Guatemala,
“Cafe De Don Rodolpho”

Since the bag is sealed, may I just place them in a cool, dry place until we meet again?

Sure thing! And I would be interested in taking some if you don’t mind!

To everyone, would you like to meet up again and if so, when?


If you are at DMS this Saturday, I will be there most of the day. I can also hand it off to Frank.

I am now concerned about keeping the coffee because I do not drink that much coffee, and do not want it to go to waste. I will place the sealed bean bag in a Ziplock container (sacrilege, I know).

If possible, I will leave the coffee beaning grinding and storage to the experts.
