CNC Router info thread

FYI, last night Alex and I cut a pottery wheel plate (with more to make later) and we had some issues with the vacuum table holding the work piece through the 5x10. We had everything else covered well, but it lost its grip midway through a job. This turned a circle into a a really funky bean shape :smiley:). We put the thinner and less dense 4x8 back on there for now and were able to cut it successfully.

Yeah i was afraid of that. The 5x10 sheet is much denser and thicker so less likely to get good airflow.



I normally use double sided tape and a spoil board for cutting thin material, that way you can clamp the spoil board from the edges. The stuff in the flooring section of Loweā€™s and Home Depot work quite well.

Sounds like we need to face it down another 1/4".

We talked about that being an option as well. We probably also need to apply some glue or something to the sides to keep air from being sucked in on the edges.

FWIW, another issue we had last night was related to tool changes. I think one of the MultiCAM guys suggested it as well, but I think making one program per tool is a REALLY good idea. On our program, it seemed to prompt for a tool change, ā€œblow right thru that red lightā€ (no user interaction on pendant), not start the spindle up again, and proceed to plunge the tool into the wood for no apparent reason. Itā€™s possible the Enroute output was to blame, but I didnā€™t look at the generated G-Code (and their dialect is still so foreign to me :smiley:)

A rubber sheet might work better than a board. One large one the cover the entire table and you can pull it down to expose the area you need to clamp letting the unused portion drape off the back of the bed. And a few smaller pieces to cover areas on the side of the board.

PLA3D is offering a free model for St Patrickā€™s day.

Is there a class needed to take to operate the CNC router and if so what is it?


Yes. Unfortunately, the calendar is off-line so I cannot tell you the actual name of the class.

Some details are available hereā€¦

And hereā€¦

Not aware of the calendar being offline, but I could be wrong.
Looks like November 15 @ 6:30 PM for the next one.
Hereā€™s the ā€œmore infoā€ link.

EDIT: removed erroneus link ā€“ thank you for correcting it, Alex!

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It was went I wrote the post. It is not now. @LisaSelk passed her magic wand over the server resolving the problem.

The class you linked was for October 15th.

The next class will be November 18th and we will only be doing one in November and one in December due to holidays and the fact that the classes no longer sell out.

See you then!

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Are Wednesday nights the only day that CNC Router training offered?
If so are there other options available for me to obtain training and get certified to use it?