Ceramics Kiln News - November 2020

It’s based on when the kiln shelves fill up, not personal pieces.

As we’re going into the holiday season, be aware there is likely going to take longer to get your pieces through due to work load. Likely if your pieces are not on the shelves by the 20th of this month, you would need to go to Trinity to guarantee getting them done by the holiday.


Bisque unloaded


Luster has been unloaded, cool stuff!


My gecko didnt make it in???

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Wow! Beautiful!

There was one shelf that I don’t think got a picture (my menorah was on it) so perhaps it was on that shelf as well?

It all looks so good!!!

I must have missed a picture, it turned out great - sorry no pucture🤦🏼‍♂️


Lol, gold lustered drumpf butter dish, priceless


Ross and I unloaded glaze, he will post pictures later.

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The picture suspense is killing me!
:crossed_fingers: :grimacing: :crossed_fingers:


@Steve1 who is Ross? I don’t know who to tag. It’s been 15 hours and still no pictures. I want to make sure my stuff was in that batch before I go and drive 20 minutes each way to pick up my (hopefully) finished pieces. It should be in the load you guys just took out, but I want to be sure. :crossed_fingers:


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Ohhhhhh…ok! I know @AvalancheOfFox. I just didn’t realize that’s who that was. :crazy_face:

A whole 15 hours! :slight_smile: Where is that incredible patience that you demonstrate while you’re working on your projects? :slight_smile: haha!

What items are you looking for? I’ll probably head to the space this evening and can let you know.

It looks alsum! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Because it’s like unwrapping a gift on Christmas morning! You don’t know exactly what you’re going to get, but you have an idea since you gave them a list. Except I’m not doing the unwrapping, the person unloading is and then sending a picture of the actual gift to the recipient (here on the forum). :gift: How did you not understand that Miss “I’m Obsessed with Christmas”? :thinking: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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If Christmas was everyday, would it be as special

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