Ceramics Kiln News - November 2020

Starting a new thread for Ceramics Kiln News - November 2020.


Does the kiln schedule get posted anywhere online? I know it’s on the white board at the space but wasn’t sure about online. If it isn’t, thoughts on posting the (tentative? Not sure how set it is) schedule for the month at the top of these monthly threads?

We have a person responsible for checking every single day.

I just meant the load schedule. I thought there was a white board calendar saying when bisque and glaze firings are approx. scheduled for? Although perhaps we don’t anymore and I missed that

They’re loaded as there is need.

That was a Brenda thing. While it does give some expectations to folks, we tend to load when we’ve got enough to load. And, that’s quite frequently.

I suppose if we were like a studio or something where we charged people to fire their stuff, we wouldn’t mind running short loads. For instance, it looked like there was about enough for another bisque load, probably today, maybe tomorrow.

Yes, there have been several loads a week for the past three months.

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Shelves are overflowing please come get your stuff


https://dms-discourse-static.s3.dualstack.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/original/3X/6/7/67f9429067be95393aa73c6ca4e9e9414d44f92c.jpeg also this piece is cracked all the way through

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Bisque unloaded. Please rescue the captives


Glaze unloaded today…


Bisque unloaded… shelves are very full. Please come get your things.

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Ooo look at that Blue porcelain


Beautiful! Is it going to get clear glazed?

The texture I am leaving bare. The flat areas will either be clear or white.

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Unloaded the glaze from skutt 1222

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edits :laughing:


There might be some with innocent eyes

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That was me… :grin: