Bring Honor & Glory to DMS...or "Big Tex is looking at You"

Glue a shoe is a weird one. You have to build a diorama with a shoe. Last year was the first year I saw it but apparently it’s been there for a while. The entries I saw included things like “the shoe-preme court” (a black shoe with the whole Supreme Court in it) and “open toad shoe” (a croc turned into a toad on a lily pad)

Definitely fits the sense of humor at DMS if nothing else.


It could be entered in either category. You could enter one in each. I did that last year with some glass earrings in “lampwork beads” and the matching bracelet in “lampwork jewelry”

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I will have to call and ask them, but I believe they are specifically concerned with people who run businesses and sell their work, or who teach professionally.

It’s also pretty granular in how the categories go. So if you sell or teach jewelry professionally you could still enter all other categories as an amateur.


They still do this. I got an honorable mention on my glass stuff last year, but was the only one. The judge sent me a very nice letter saying they appreciated my entry and giving me tips to improve my work.


I think it’s wonderful to know the judges take their role seriously. Means more when one does get the ribbon.

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That blank is telling me it needs to be a lidded candy dish…

Edit- I should probably be more concerned about hearing voices than what you need to make out of that blank.


Steve, my quilts-in-progress talk to me all the time. They are mostly spoiled brats who want something I’m not all that jazzed about giving them.

“I want lots of beads!” “I want buttons!” “I want more quilting!”

A block of pinecones soaked in resin having conversations isn’t that big a stretch.


Whew! I’m less worried then.


14 posts were split to a new topic: Custom Framing for 30x30

OOOOOhhhh that is cool!

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I have an unfinished baby afghan (crocheted) that I could finish and enter.

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Deadline approaches for entry form: July 19.
@mrjimmy, tell us more.

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I’ve already heard from a number of people that they have pieces they are going to enter!

I think DMS will have a great showing.

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Was there ever a clarification from the judges re: pen hardware coming from kits?

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Paging @mrjimmy. ^^


Who wants a fancy ribbon!?

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Fancy? Hahahahahaha.

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Is it too late?

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I believe so, yes.

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Deadline for submitting paperwork was July 19.

Entries are to be turned in @ Creative Arts facility in Fair Park Friday, Saturday or Sunday - THIS WEEK. Must have a print-out of your entry info in hand along with the actual entry.

I presume shipped entries were due earlier this week.