Would a laser chiller temperature Tweeter be valuable?

Four years ago I made a very simple microcontroller circuit that measured chiller temperatures, used WiFi to upload to a cloud service which provided plots to anyone interested. In one class, we made alarms that sent our Tweets when events like temperature exceeded limits. These ideas could be combined to allow multiple methods of monitoring.

A project could monitor multiple conditions of the lasers and provide alarm tweets to the laser maintenance team. I’m not volunteering to lead this but would certainly participate. The cost to monitor four lasers would probably not exceed $100.00. @Team_Laser @Team_Electronics


This would be a good class to bring back in some fashion if you are willing. Extensible to all sorts of things I bet.

Any cheap pressure sensors out there? Something to monitor the compressed air might be of interest.

I think we have the A/C filters mostly under control but another telemetry opportunity would involve measuring temperature or pressure delta between intake air and output air.

Oh my, the list goes on. Stopping here though!