Once upon a time, in a thread far, far away, @IanLee said
Let’s centralize all training requests and class postings to consolidated, quarterly posts.
If you’d like a class, post it here. (mods, feel free to merge new topics into one post each quarter.)
If you’re posting a class for a certain date, announce it here.
Please remember that all classes are taught by volunteers who are giving up their own making time to teach. Woodshop and Lathe basics classes typically ask for a $10 donation to Woodshop to help cover supplies and maintenance costs.
If you’re unable to make classes repeatedly, you’re always welcome to ask for 1-1 training and / or offer teachers an incentive (like cash, rare wood, snacks, or otherwise.)
Mods is it possible to pin this in the Woodshop category?
Great question!! - This one is for wood turning scrapers. I’d like to put up a class on card/cabinet scrapers at some point - Possibly where everyone has a basic set to take away with them.
Would you guys please reiterate in your classes that there is absolutely no spray painting at DMS.
And definitively, there is no spray painting in the new powder coat booth. That is for spraying powder only, no woodshop projects. Let’s just go ahead and cut this one off before it thinks about being an issue.
Also added something new - Open Lathe hours starting at 1:30. Kind of a general get together for turning related stuff you are interested in whether it is sharpening, hollow forms, spindle work, specific tool use, etc and we can figure it out together.
Hey Doug, I was scheduled for the 5/3 class but didn’t make it because I was out trying to get my kiddo’s dog back. It got out Monday and around 1630 or so I got a call from the animal services that someone spotted her. So I was out driving around trying to find her. No luck yesterday, but today some good samaritan was able to get a hold of me while he saw her. Should I go ahead and book another time, or would it be ok to tag in with another session?