Where can I find links for free software licenses as part of membership?

On the now-closed thread about member benefits while DMS is closed, I saw @hon1nbo mention a free Adobe CC membership, Solidworks, etc.

Is there a link to the wiki that shows how to get these member benefits, or would someone who knows how to do it please comment here and show us how? Thank you very much.

Edit: I did search the forum first, but didn’t find the answer.

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@David_A_Tucker for help on Solidworks

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So there’s this thread for the Adobe licenses: Adobe Licenses for All Members (until July 6th, 2020)

For the Solidworks licenses, the point of contact to get one issued is @David_A_Tucker



Follow these directions:


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Thank you @hon1nbo and @David_A_Tucker and @Photomancer.

Are there any other licenses included in our membership that I didn’t ask about?

There is the G Suite account every member has (which has pro versions of Drive and Meet, team drives, and a DMS email). Then there is more CAD software on the Jump server which is accessible remotely, and Bend Tech on the design machines (which the remote access to has broken sometime in the last couple weeks, it’s on my todo list to see what’s up with that).

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and other characters

Well, as you probably are aware, we use a lot of free open-source software in our making that others might want to master.

I’m thinking specifically of GIMP (for photo editing), Inkscape (for illustrations), LibreOffice (word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, etc.), Audacity (for audio work), Cura (3d printing), Blender and Openshot (for video editing), Fusion 360 (3d modeling), and a slew of others.

You can find these at dowload.com.

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Thanks, @David_A_Tucker. I know Inkscape is popular here. I’ll look into the others.

How do we get the pro versions of Google drive and meet? I’ve got the email thing figured out and the Adobe Creative Cloud figures out. So I just use my DMS email to sign into Drive and Meet?

Then that’s it; it’s all part of G Suite.

I almost forgot - what’s the offer with Skillshare? Thanks.

Free membership

Sorry, no idea if it’s still functional, etc.


It is for me, got it a month ago, not sure about new sign-ons. I get emails daily and take a look at some.


They recently ran a sale for a year of membership for $59 (usually $99), which after trying over the last month through the DMS link I decided to take advantage of. I’ve been really enjoying their illustration classes.


The 2 month Skillshare trial still works as of today.

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