What do you all think about alien life?



This one was always my favorite…


And of course the eventual parody

jim-carrey-ace-ventura (1)


Full disclosure is coming

Well, this has been know and coming for some time now, and I, for one, think we should welcome them and be as tolerant and inviting and compliant as possible. That why I started sleeping on my stomach several years ago.

I really don’t need Zuck keeping tabs on the sites I visit. Try…

Some … interesting … uhm, “articles” on that site.

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Oh oh !

Please let there be intelligent extraterrestrial beings. Would be a shame to be alone in the beautiful multiverse.

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There’s one downside practical consideration to that…to be a space-faring species/civilization, it is almost 100% sure that species was therefore the dominant species on their planet. And if they were the dominant species on their planet, as humans are on Earth, it probably means they out-lied, out-cheated, out-stole, and out-warred all of the other competing species.

So when two space-faring species do (finally) meet, it’s probably not going to go very well for at least one of them…i.e. think more “Enders Game” than “Star Trek.”

Just got back from seeing “65”

A good way to spend a mindless movie Sunday…

I’m sure you can assume that aliens races have dummy’s too…

How would you rate it?

I am having a difficult time considering things on this planet. Like now the new form of chatgpt can lie. How close are we to creating a cyber enhance lawyer. Granted right now it more like a cyberized harvey bird man attorney at law.

I once was asked if robots have a souls… That question was followed up by do lawyers and used car salesmens have souls… {Then the lawyers on yachts shall ask if depressed factory works really ever live?}etc… etc…

Robots count and dream of electric sheep.

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Like It was a great way to spend a mindless movie Sunday… a little long but it was fun…

I use to hope for life but then I read “The Dark Forest” by Cixin Liu and Im not so sure anymore…

This channel did a pretty good video on it:

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I am thinking more ‘First Contact’

If ET shows up we’re so doomed!

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In a sense we’ve been there for years: I gather that AI considerably older than the LLMs that are the subject of so much sound and fury can do a great deal of Lawyering 101 - performing research, assessing legal documents / contracts, drafting new legal documents, giving legal advice (the logic and reasoning not so much official Legal Advice™ from an attorney).

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This seems random ! lol

I had alien invasion for October of 2024… 🫤 as our election surprise