I’m new to DMS and want to be able to use the metal shop but don’t have much welding experience. Would someone here be able to help me?
thanks. i saw this already but there’s no welding related classes mentioned anywhere in there or on the calendar.
I can train you if I get the metal shop people’s blessing. I’ve done it before one on one and if you’re wanting GMAW/MIG which is easily the most accessible that’s pretty much all I do with my life these days.
that would be rad. wednesday or thursday night this week this week work? you gonna be around then?
I can be. Wednesday might be best since Thursdays are usually nuts.
Have you had the basic safety talk yet? I can do that too, but I just need to figure out if it is cool with the boss folks.
We are new too and would like to join a welding class.
I would absolutely love a welding class! I’ve done a bit of MIG in college but getting certified to do it at the makerspace would be huge. Definitely watching this thread.
Okay, I have two hours left at work and then I’ll figure this out.
I’m down to join a mini class on wed if you end up offering it. I’d be free between 9pm-11 that day or before 7pm, but could also do a Thurs session say after 8:30pm or so too. Actually just bought a welding helmet for the Plasma Cam class tonight and so wouldn’t mind some more reasons to bust it out!
Please note the welding tools require a Metal Shop Safety class before you can operate them.
I’m also interested in a welding class.
I think I am going to take all my outlines from when I used to teach the DMS safety class and write up an online lesson for folks here. Maybe the admin can make it a sticky.
I’ll also write up a test I can proctor and that’ll help expedite the safety qualification progress and give real feedback/physical record of whether or not folks have taken it/highlight problem areas.
And it is neat to see interested folks, but while I can do one on one classes with people with scrap I can hold in my tiny car, if there are a lot of people we may want to have some sort of pooling of cash to purchase some metal for us to work on. It is my firm belief that welding is not a spectator sport and if I train anyone you will not go through one of my classes without fusing some steel together.
is there one of these scheduled? unless i overlooked it (very possible) i didn’t see one on the cal. i’d like to take this though.
i’m down to pitch in for group or do one on one.
Well, if we don’t have the safety class it is essential to cover a few things. I’ll get to work on that guide.
Stay tuned.
Watching closely for info on both metalshop safety and welding.
I too would like to get certified on the welding equipment. I’ve mig welded for a number of years with a little lincoln but want access to the tig for aluminum. I have accumulated a fair amount of scrap steel I can bring in - mostly rods/ brackets etc. - think I have couple sq. ft. of sheet.
Always glad to have experienced hands! I’m not real good with TIG but I know we have folks that are. We may need some heavier gauge stuff for beginners since it’s a little more forgiving. I can usually scrounge enough for one on ones. We’ll keep you posted, I appreciate your enthusiasm to help.
Ok. I was thinking the sheet (it’s relatively thick) just to practice running beads. Most of my welding has been for making garden trellises /gates etc. so scrap consists primarily of 1/4" and 3/8" round rods, square rods and bars. If you could just get me to the point where I won’t damage the equipment and can practice on my own - that’s all I’m after. Plenty of online resources I can consult for helping with laying down a pretty weld. Lemme know - thank you much!
I’m breaking this whole thing down and once it is finished we’ll have ourselves and online safety course and will not have to deal with it in the future. But it may take me a little bit. We might have to push this class to the weekend if it takes me too long. I’ve made progress but I have to take care of other things around the house tonight.
I’ll keep you guys posted in here. Stay tuned.