Want to learn to shoot 600 yards? Sat March 10 near Carthage TX My mouth overloaded my

Dave Wilson is the Texas State Rifle Association coach for the National Matches for several years. His teams have finished first in many team matches at the State and National levels. Many of the people that he coaches shoot from 200 yards to 1000 yards in National matches against shooters, literately, from all over the world.

lists the details.

Dave’s purpose is to entice people to get into competitive shooting but don’t let that scare you. He is an excellent coach for new shooters too. This is just an introduction to midrange shooting to let you see what is possible.

You can contact me, Russell Ward, for more information or to answer questions about equipment and course of fire.

This is a golden opportunity to try your rifle at 200 and 600 yards.


One of these opportunities I’ll eventually follow up on. This time I’m not available to go. But I don’t have a suitable rifle at this time anyway.

The level of your rifle to benefit from this class is probably less than you realize. An AR15 of almost any quality will probably be adequate. This is like opportunity… ignore it at your own risk. There may not be many opportunities in the future.

If anyone wants to participate I’ll make sure they have a rifle to shoot in the class. If any women want to take this class I’ll supply equipment and ammunition for them to participate. I can probably get a lady High Master Palma shooter to help coach any women that would like to participate.

Russell Ward


Thanks for posting this Russell. I’m totally in for this opportunity and intend to go. As someone that does have the opportunity to shoot with incredibly talented shooters, the opportunity for this level of coaching is incredibly rare.


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I’m going to meet @Ferman at DMS tomorrow about 6:00 pm to discuss the Shooting Seminar. I’ll have more details and suggestions for anyone that might be interested

Russell Ward.

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Scoped or iron sights? Or does it matter? I’ve not sent my 30.06 farther than100 yards…

Either scope or irons. If you have a 100 yard zero I can get you in the black at 600 yards in one or two shots. This is going to be a familiarization of rifle shooting at 200 yards and 600 yards. Trying to take some of the mystery out of shooting at these distances. Helping overcome some of the common errors in rifle shooting.


There are competitive women and even teenagers that shoot out to 1000 yards.


Here is a picture from last years Berger Southwest National long range matches in Phoenix Az. I don’t know the name of the young lady in this picture but the other lady is CHRISTINE HARRIS who is a real hard holding High Master F Open shooter. Christine has two high school aged sons that won matches this year at the Berger SWN matches.

Just a little name dropping.

Russell Ward


Wow, I don’t think I can even see a target at 600 yards. That is almost 3/8 mile. That’s over a half kilometer for you non-moonwalkers.


What’s a non-moonwalker?

There is an often repeated joke at the makerspace (and other places) when talking about metric vs imperial measurements.

“There are two types of countries in this world. Those who use metric measurements, and those who have walked on the moon.”


People from a country which has not walked on the moon (the significance, in this context is: countries which use the “metric” or SI system of measurements have never put a human being (man) on the moon to walk about, whereas “the only country” still using [not SI/metric] HAS.) So Bill is translating to assist the non-moonwalkers capabilities for understanding from the moonwalkers’ system of measurement @ yards & miles to the non-moonwalkers SI system of meters/kilometers.
EDIT: too slow; @Adam_Oas beat me to it, and more succinctly, and eloquently…


This is 600 yards. The target is 6 feet by 6 feet with a 36 inch black.33092716215_ef2f288f57_z

This is the same target at 1000 yards with a 42 inch black.32936663152_7a533ed648_z

Russell Ward


Is the black bigger to make it appear the same thru irons or low power optic?

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Yes! When looking at match targets through aperture sights you can’t tell if the target is 200 yards away or 1000 yards. Ignoring conditions, which is always dangerous, there isn’t much difference in shooting 1000 yards over 200 yards. … Well that might be a “little bit of exaggeration”.

Russell Ward


Would the target be less hit, if it was shot from 549m or 600yds? :smiley:

Based on past experience (ca. 1969, Apollo 11, Aldrin, Armstrong, et. al.), 549m, due to variance in capabilities of mathematicators being capable of spanning long distances.
The closer you get to “point blank range”, the less the mathematics come into it, the more likely it is the target will be equally hit.

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I am interested. I’ll check my schedule and confirm later.

I assume that we need a sling? Is a GI cotton web sling sufficient?

I will probably bring an AR, since I have at least the required 140 rounds of ammo and the recoil won’t be a problem.

I am mainly interested in learning technique; it will be a bonus if I consistently hit anything :slight_smile:

Thanks for the opportunity!


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Whoa! I just got the directions and it looks like it is almost 4 hours from here and it starts at 7:30 am Saturday morning.

Are you guys planning to go up on Friday night and spend the night?

How many people are going?

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I’m planning on driving up Saturday morning. If I leave at 4 am I can get there by 7:30. If you want to stay in a motel there is one that gives shooters a discount, it’s a nice place that serves the usual motel breakfast. I’ll get more info about the motel tomorrow.

I’ll have a couple of slings to loan. I don’t expect that you will shoot all 140 rounds but you don’t want to sit with an empty gun and watch others shoot. I’m planning on having some cheap .223 and .308 ammunition. Let me know if you want to use my ammo because it will be a limited amount.

Plan on this lasting until early afternoon. Most people don’t eat during one of these outings, some do. You will have time for a sandwich or a snack if you bring one. We usually have a group that goes to Whataburger afterward and everyone is welcome to join us.

Russell Ward