VCC Developments and Grid Computing

VCC News Quarterly - Issue 1, volume 1

Welcome fellow makers. Vintage Computers Committee has a lot to update you with today. Below you’ll find our future developments and details for the up comming quarter.

Grid Computing

After a long overdue await the vintage computer committee is finally getting traction on our grid computing system, titled as Vintage Computer Community Grid.

We’ll be using a DIN rail system with POE to power a cluster of Raspberry Pi’s running BOINC and Docker Swarm (via hyproit and gitlab).

Members will be able to commit jobs via a git push and the grid will assign this out based on compute availability. In honor of Bell Labs and Cornelle University, we will be implimenting a non-intrusive Time-sharing system to help ensure all members jobs get equal time on the cluster.

The cluster will also be donating a percentage of compute time to theSkyNet, SAT@home, Collins College, and Univ. of Texas as more nodes are added.

Future YouTube Channel

As we go forward we will also have our own YouTube channel with a few series being launched. One of which will include Computer Science courses and another will be featuring Projects that are deployed to the Vintage Computer Community Grid along with a few instructional videos and interviews. Some of the initial videos will be made via machine learning with Tenserflow, danilobellini/fractal, and gource in the style of music videos to show the capabilities of the cluster.

Upcoming developments at the Interactive Museum

Disk imager

Upon the suggestion of several of our members we are looking into building a physical disk imager for SD cards and CD-roms. The goal is to be able to provide a machine members can walk up to, tap a button then insert their own storage medium and have a copy of what ever rom they uploaded (or have from the library that’s abandonware/freeware)

Next Machine on display

With the success of the c128 we’re now looking to display either the Colt, Amiga, or other z80/i80x86 based IBM system. This will run in parallel to the 6502 python implementation and board that a pair of the committee members are working on which will be featured prominently in the interactive museum.

Future Classes

Programming 101 - Intro to programming with Python and JavaScript

Programming 203 - Data Mining

Programming 202 - Python for Network Engineers

Programming 201 - Advanced Programming and Design with Python

System Engineering - Redhat RH301 Pre-prep Course

System Engineering - Docker Certification Pre-prep Course

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Editorial update:

The Vintage Computer Committies G+ Community has suprisingly gain members while under the radar:

Feel free to contribute to the group there and to the forums here as well.