VCC Computer Committee meeting to cover agenda items and sprint planning.
Best time to meet one on one with committee members, VCC supported sig leaders, instructors, and committee leadership.
Conference room link:
We’ll be meeting in the common room near the museum and online.
Membership may also use this time to get answer on questions about the CommunityGrid, Interactive Computer Museum, DMS Radio, CTF, DevOps, Blockchain, and/or hacking/coding/phone phreaking/Civic Hacking Questions.
@Team_Civic_Hacking, CryptoSig, Retro Computing Sig please be ready to attend the committee meeting. We’d love to hear how you guys are doing.
Interactive Computer Museum
There’s been a proposal to include FPGA based hardware in the mame cabinet. Including buying a gideon ultimate 64 to replace the C128 and getting a MYSTer board to run open source versions of the physical logic boards.
As we build out the Museum offerings with the Mame terminal in the museum we’ll explore this via labs on the calendar.
XMcore BBS has full fidonet support now and has several easter eggs all over the place. .HACK being a good one to try
. We’ll need to migrate this board over to a ubuntu based docker image to deploy to the communitygrid and setup s3 archiving along with archival.
We also have some new camera stands in that would help archive material donated and assist with committee educational material such as classes and videos.
Locksport Sig
During the last locksport class several attendees desired to form a sig. This would be lead by VCC Leadership and committee supported.
Goal of the locksport sig:
- Promotion of locksport as a hobby
- Attendance of locksport events and organized lock picking contests such as TOOOL.NL LockCon, defcon and HOPE lockpick village(s).
- Education through locksport classes at Dallas Makerspace
Relevance to VCC’s mission:
Its in 2600 magazine and held at every infosec convention globally. Clearly locksport is something our target audience is into and the class is one of our successfully attended classes.
Agendia Items
Moving Equipment from Secure Storage [@denzuko]
Several attempts have been made to acquire volunteer help to move our storage rack and equipment on site.
Spend Committee funds hiring a mover from taskrabbit with a budget of up to $250 to get items onsite the following weekend. Upon completion of move and setup. Immediately within 21 days hold paid comptia certification prep classes on Linux+, Security+, Network+, and AWS DevOps doing the Fall through Spring months at approx two or more certificate classes a month. Fees are structured as follows:
DMS Members in active standing | Free seat, at cost for supplies and exam voucher |
Committee Patreon Member in active standing | Free seet, at cost for supplies, 50% off exam voucher |
General Admission | $75/head, at cost for supplies and exam voucher |
Seats per class would be equally available and any attendees that qualify (ie DMS/Patreon member) would be issued a refund for the class (e.g. $75/head fee).
The proceeds after expenses would be distributed as 20% to education committee and 15% to the committee while the reamanding would go to the general fund to help with the expansion. Classes held by committee leadership would not be subject to instructor payments while classes held by qualified volunteers would be included in expenses which shall not exceed twice the standard honorarium set at class scheduling.
The rack server is used for Storage of equipment, lab materials and certificate classes have been promised by the committee for over a year and needed delivery to meet our operating mission goals.
Committee Project - Fundraiser
We have several items that have been donated over the years which could benefit the committee better if sold on an action site or via an in person sale.
Organize a yearly "garage sale’ style fundraiser to be held at the dallas makerspace for the committee, Retro Computer group, Civic Hacking and other official sigs to be able to do a silent auction of items. Tables would be open to the public for both items and bidding. Proceeds from the fundraiser are to fund the committee and contribute to DMS general fund.
Contributes to the funding of Committee activities, promotions, and the more “fun” projects.
Class Updates
To be published within 72 hours of the committee meeting along with the Committee Report.
Committee Swag
VCC now has additional swag in stock. 2600 hacker and bug bounty stickers area available $5 each or be a patron member and get one free at our next hackathon and CTF events.
Designs are underway for t-shirts and we’re open to your suggestions? (custom raspberry pi case anyone)
Project Updates
mame cabinet: Arcade Cabinet Building 101 - Class - Any Interest - #33 by rbox80
Case design in progress. September’s RetroPI class should be on the calendar within the next 72 hours of committee meeting.
Payphone: [Project Idea] Plain Old Telephone Service and Phreaking
lock has been removed and both the replacement handset, t-keys, and wall mount plat have been delivered. Still no luck getting into the case and we’d need to find a place to mount 50 lbs of hardware.
Alternatively a member of Team PR has offered to acquire the payphone for $150
Vote is required to sell the item.
- Funds to committee
- The payphone is one of the more attractive projects that people want to learn more about.
#PCMR Build: Darker than black - #9 by slinkygn
PCI tester card arrived and would be used to test the board. A further $520.36 is required to finish the build before it can be available in the Interactive Computer Museum for use.
Bug Bounties and Volunteer Opportunities
We rely on great makers such as those that have joined @Team_VCC and the Dallas Makerspace. As such we have several volunteer opportunities and bug bounties available:
DMS Radio, CTF Challenge Server, VCC Website, and CommunityGird
Recent updates to support websockets has caused some issues with the load balancer in front of the community grid stack. This also includes other services provided by the community grid. Root cause seems to stem from a miss configuration of traefik and pfsence.
Suggested maintenance window be opened to address these issues immediately.
CTF Challenge sites is operating very well but should be broken out to individual teams and automatically rest. Would require travis-ci cicd jobs to be developed.
There are 11 issues filed as open at present. the biggest one is:
Temperature Sensor to be developed for Infrastructure
Team Infrastructure is requiring the building of a simple temperature and proximity sensor to be paired with either an raspberry pi and snmp, or esp8266 and mqtt. This is blocking the racking of our third physical server and migration away from aws.
VCC is looking for a dedicated editor to help with the upcoming launch of the DMS Maker Zine. The editor would work closely with both the PR, Printmaking, and VCC committee leadership as we cultivate a print and digital magazine for makers, local artists, and hardware/software hackers.
Article Submissions
Ever had an idea that you wish could be published in the likes of Make magazine or 2600? Now is one’s chance. Let us do the hard work of building the audience; as the second largest makerspace in the world we have a really good one; and get your article read by your fellow peers.
We’re in need of Industry skilled instructors that are willing to donate up to 12 hours a week to hold CompTIA classes, originize CTF events, and run coding dojo events.
Apply by sending a resume and cover letter to [email protected]