I figured instead of continued muddying up the thread, I continue the discussion here.
When thinking about some of the things that I come across at work, that I can discuss.
Here are a couple wrenches we used to use to break apart shaft couplings on a 4000hp motor, gear box & compressor. They have since removed the machines & installed newer machines, albeit them not being that old to begin with (only 18 years old, Life expectancy on them is about 50 years) The 12 point is 4 5/8”, the 6 point is 3”. We would use the all thread to pull them tight or loose.
This is a tool, but not a hand one. It’s a retrofit sensor and guide unit for an industrial machine that enables it to sew belts or lengths of webbing on both edges.
Once the sensors are tripped, the first reduces the sew speed, the second trips an arm that swings around the back of the machine, taking the belt and rotating it around, and as the belt is rotated, the edge of the webbing or belt will trip the sew sensor, at which point a stitch will be laid until the material passes the sensor. Once the belt has rotated 180 degrees to the opposite side, it trips the first sensor and behind sewing at 3500 stitches per minute.
I wish I had video of the machine running. Everything was in Italian, including the computer settings and buttons.
Impressive. I had no idea it was possible to put 12.7KV phases that close together without worrying about them conducting through the air gap. Did that need a step up transformer from the utility’s distribution primary voltage? Around here most are 7.2KV but Bryan/College Station was 14.4KV so I suppose 12.7KV might be the direct voltage from the local feeder.
It’s fed 12,700 from the utility, of course through the switchgear. I will try to get a picture of it too. I have another customer who has 13,200 for a similar setup, theirs is (5) 2,400 ton chillers though. Which is this site.
I’m in awe of the power of setups like this and never considered running directly from the utility primary. It makes a lot of sense though in terms of efficiency at these large horsepowers. No transformer losses and the higher voltage means less I^2R loss in the motor windings also. This was obvious to me at 240 and even 480; I just never considered 12.7/13.2K.
Got nothin’ to offer for ya there! 'Course you could ask why metal seems like a dark dungeon, but guessing that has to do with fire-breathing and all that.
that was going to be my 2nd question. It is a little dim in there. Is the A/c turned off or just frozen from lack of air flow. I think there is a possibility that if the light lenses were cleaned/replaced it would make a significant difference. Who is an authorized person?? I would like to talk to them.