Tracking satellite antenna

I was told that the amateur radio group is making satellite antennas. How do I get involved?

@wandrson Walter, when giving the tour I told him how you and several others were working on some items .

The project isn’t currently part of the amateur radio group at the space, it is something three local folks have been working on (two of which are DMS members). The best place to get involved is tomorrow at the Raspberry Pi User meeting. We will be having a presentation which includes the current state of the SatNOGS devices we are constructing.

Raspberry Pi User Group Flyer
Parking Instructions
How to find the room in the building where the meeting will be held

Thanks Walter, I just knew you and at least one other person were working on this device and could probaly provide the info needed.

Here is my nearly finished inside of the rotator


Looks great !

Are the rotor mechanisms 3D printed ?

Yep, most of the mechanical parts are 3d printed (grey parts in pic), while the white box parts are laser cut acrylic. The only commercial items, beyond the Raspberry Pi, Arduino Micro, and the power supply board are hardware items.

@jonathan_brandenburg is further along with his and will be demonstrating a working (except for the finalized software) version at the Rasberry Pi meeting tomorrow. The meeting is open to anyone who wants to come.

Very nice work.

I may try to make the meeting tomorrow. I haven’t been to one in a while.

Wish I could … family in town!

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