Tool Access Question

Howdy Friends! Just a basic membership question.

I was a member through last May, and cancelled as we were expecting the birth of our second kiddo. Fortunately all is going well with that and I have a bit of free time on my hands again.

I just signed back up as a member, and was wondering if I will still have access to the Woodshop tools from the Woodshop Basic class? Or do I need to contact someone about getting that added back to my account?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer this for me. Looking forward to being back!

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This type of thing typically remains attached to the account, provided you simply signed up for new membership services on the same billing account (and nothing else weird has happened).

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That is indeed what I did! Thanks for chiming in. I may stop by tomorrow if I have time and just give it a go. Planning to take some personal time this week for a build and want to make sure I’m good to go

You can check access at
If you have Woodshop Basics in the list of AD Groups on the right then you should have access to woodshop tools.


Perfect, just the info I needed! Thank you so much!

So my account is showing Woodshop basic, but my badge is not working on the tools. Can anyone help me out?

Based on the log, it looks like the jointer, specifically, isn’t showing authorized. The sawstop & planer & powermatic appear to have run today on this fob.
Plz try again on jointer & confirm.

Isn’t it the jointer that hasn’t been synching well?

No idea.
I see no ticket for it, if so…

I’ll try to keep track. Just – it seemed like the last person with issues had an issue with the jointer. The person who thought that getting a new fob would solve the issues? I really hope that was her idea, and not advice from someone standing around in Woodshop…

This one?

or this one
or this one

might be some kind of trend with that jointer…


It was indeed the jointer! Took a bit longer than the rest of the tools but I’m up and running now. Thanks all

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Thank you for letting us know.
@Robert_Davidson it seems like we’re having to manually push the sync button more often than one might expect (and more often than its neighboring tools). Is this something we can take a glance at to see if something’s wonky on the sync for that unit?

Just a quick look at the settings the jointer is configured to refresh every 60 min and saw is 5 min.

You could lower the refresh time on the jointer to whatever you see fit.

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I did notice that. However, given the DAYS of time between the initial inquiry and my pushing the sync button, I didn’t think that would make any difference. But we can lower it and see if that helps…

Thank you!

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