New badge -woodshop access

I’ve done the woodshop training but needed to get a new badge. Is there someone I can call or someone who can allow me access to the woodshop machines?

Badge number 0008873278

Kaylan betten

There is a slight refresh delay until your new badge shows up in the access computers. They tend to refresh individually, so your access will probably be a bit spotty at first.

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What’s wrong with your badge?

Replacing badges is a self-service activity. Go to MakerManager/Badges from the Member Portal drop-down on the main webpage. You’ll have to disable your current badge, and input the number from the new badge. Either manually, or by tapping it on the reader that’s attached to a couple of the computers still left in the former Common Room.

Got it thanks, didn’t realize it was automatic and just a delay. Thanks!

Also not the end of the world, but we generally do not recommend giving out your badge ID to anyone. I recommend you edit your original post to remove it.

Any time a certification is received through a class, the only thing the instructor should need is your DMS username and Name. Badge numbers do not themselves hold certifications.