Tony's Chain/Scale Maille Class News

some light googling has revealed that this weave is called vertebrae

HI ALL!!! ok sorry for the long absence but i finally have my new computer up and running so once again i can post updates WEWT!!!

first but of class related news is that the beginner class on the 14th will cover E 4-1 sheet and if theres time ribbon and then our normal stuff until everyone is ready to go home or someone else needs the room :stuck_out_tongue:

As always if you have any questions feel free to ask XD

holy crap tonight was AWESOME!!! i got to nerd out so much its 0200 and im still sitting here because people kept coming in to talk with me about their projects!!! (SQUEE!!!) and wow did we cover a LOT of ground tonight. so lets see if i can get the whole list out:

  • defining and explaining terms like Aspect Ratio (AR), saw/machine cut, kinged maille, and a few others
  • European 4 in 1 (E 4-1) both ribbon and sheet forms
  • Box weave both flip and stitch methods
  • mobius
  • Half Persian 4 in 1 (HP 4-1)
  • three different speed weaving techniques
  • and a partridge in a pear tree

i know im forgetting something but we covered a LOT of ground and had a LOT of new people (10 new 2 regulars tonight) it was the largest class i think i have had since my first one and i understand the armoring part of the makerspace may expand soon but i dont wanna talk out of turn so ill let them put out their own info but im so EXCITED!!! i mean i dont know if you saw all the exclamation points but heres a few more!!!justincase!!!1one111exclamation! and one of our new people even decided to adopt a surprise project item

i also got bunches of compliments on my display material (i brought a LOT of stuff tonight) so i did me an embarrass but i was finally able to squeeze my ego through the doorway XD

now for future classes the holidays are still mucking about with my work schedule so while i can say that there will definately be one class in january i can not yet say with a sufficient degree of certainty when it will be but i intend to try to do two per month until septemberish again

the next class will be the project class (better than saying advanced?) and we will be going over the bead capture butterfly pendant (supplies available for $2/kit while supplies last) but i do not have a parts list out yet because so far this has been problematic both because of tight tolerances but also due to time but ill get that out ASAP

Q: what happens if you dont get it all sorted before you post the class info?
A: in the unlikely event i cannot get the pendant into a presentable format i will have a plan B. worst case if it come to it ill bring in my chem bath and do a piece on various treatments and patinas you can perform at home ive been working on enough material for a class for a while and trying to rope the science dept into it but thus far no luck mostly because i am terrible at tracking people down.

ok its getting late and ive got new parts to go play with so if i messed up anything correct me and if i forgot anything ask me about it

still sitting here super excited about all the new faces and ground covered. it was extra-super-groovetastically-swell imho but i may have lost one or two to frustration. to that end if anyone would like to assist me with my classes i could use a helper for 1 on 1 help. i am probably jumping the gun by a lot but id love to increase the max possible size of my classes and hopefully train up a few additional instructors anyway if interested reply here or PM me as you like due to recent computer troubles im only checking this a few time a week but i am checking it and replying to everything that comes my way.


thanks for a fun late night out, Tony!

It was a pleasure to have you there and I hope to see you next time XD

apparently i accidentally PMed this as a response to someone by mistake when i meant to post it here so lets try this again:

ok folks got some bad news and some good news.
Bad news: due to some scheduling issues at work im only gonna be able to do one class in january and itll be towards the end of the month.
Good news is that i might actually have time to get a working parts list out in time for anyone interested to order parts.

as for progress on the parts list we are now officially on the third set of rings ive ordered to try and make this work if i cant make it work this time though i will have to move on to other ideas and the parts i have will move into the suprise project stuff finally the somewhat awaited patina class will take its place

Copper Patina class: for this class i will be covering safety, required materials (no parts list will be provided outside of my class*), safety, staging/prework, SAFETY, how to do it at home, SAFETY!!!, what is actually happening (SCIENCE!!!), care instructions, fun facts, useless trivia, and more. i will even be contacting the science department after i get this posted so that i can hopefully get better answers for the in depth questions at least. if i knew how to tag people or even who to tag i would probably do that here but if you happen to know feel free to do it for me if you want.

This is not normally a thing i do but because this class will in small part involve hazardous chemicals parental participation WILL be required for anyone under the age of 18. however i want to be clear this is mainly due to my own paranoia and dedication to inappropriately high safety standards. nothing in the class will be quite as awful as im sure i will make it sound. as always i am available to answer any questions.

  • this is for safety reasons i dont want to give someone all the tools but none of the safety background individual research or my class would teach.
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Ok so here’s the latest: there is only going to be one class in January. it’s going to be 25JAN19 and I will bring limited supplies (2-5 kits) what follows will be a pic of my finished product from the supplies I have and then later when I get home I’ll schedule the class and work up the parts list


beautiful work Tony!

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ok folks sorry for the wait here is the parts list and notes i promised from creating the butterfly pendant pictured above.

!! the supplier for these parts was and all rings are 18g SWG saw cut bright aluminium rings unless otherwise noted !!

3/16" X2 (hanging rings you would attach the necklace chain to)
Actual wire diameter .048", 1.22mm
Wire gauge 18 (SWG)
Actual ID inches .190"
Actual ID mm 4.83
Aspect Ratio 3.96
5/16" X10 (8 for the 8mm bead capture + 2 connecting rings)
Actual wire diameter .048", 1.22mm
Wire gauge 18 (SWG)
Actual ID inches .315"
Actual ID mm 8.02
Aspect Ratio 6.56
1/4" X9 (8 for the 6mm bead capture + 1 connecting ring)
Actual wire diameter .048", 1.22mm
Wire gauge 18 (SWG)
Actual ID inches .254"
Actual ID mm 6.45
Aspect Ratio 5.29
11/64" X2 (center ring)
Actual wire diameter .048", 1.22mm
Wire gauge 18 (SWG)
Actual ID inches .177"
Actual ID mm 4.50
Aspect Ratio 3.69

6mm spherical beads X2
8mm spherical beads X2
IF YOU BUY NATURAL STONE BEADS BUY MORE THAN YOU NEED!!! this will allow you to have a selection of relative size difference

i purchased my beads from, however, what i got varied widely due to them being natural stone apparently (Lapis Lazuli because it was cool looking and cheap) so i would not recommend them for this. as it is i had to improvise a bit to make it work. for mine (pictured above) i replaced the 1/4" connecting ring with two of the 3/16" hanging rings and in the pic you can see how they were added on the left side of the pic. this could (and probably will) become an attachment point for further chain. changing it from a pendant to a center piece if i should want to. last ring syndrome struck hard on both of the side connector rings. (you cant see them well in the pic but they join the 6 and 8mm captures on the outside edge.) then when i went to add the 1/4" connector ring the beads were just too far out of specification*

if you want to modify this parts list to accommodate other suppliers, beads or whatever: i would recommend erring in favor of rings that are too large rather than too small. if necessary a bigger bead is easier to find than new rings. (trust me on this i had to do it a time or two. :stuck_out_tongue: ) worst case a bit of balled up paper can replace a bead way better than a ring. with that said however you shouldn’t need to deviate from the parts i have listed unless you want to. you could have a shiny metal one with a nice heft if you used ball bearings instead of beads but i only tested the one set of beads that i had which again were natural stone and which had i thought about it i might have switched out for lava stones (for you aroma therapy lovers)

this is more finicky than i generally care for however i am going forward with this as a class subject because i believe it will encourage everyone to experiment in small ways and will be a good example of how small changes can affect the look of your project

finally with the 1/4" connector ring the only one missing the left and right half of the “butterfly” will move independently making it a fidget toy worth at least 5 minutes of entertainment. (or ~30 if you’re me) :3

supplies for this class will be limited but offered for the normal VOLUNTARY $2 donation for consumables with the most limited item being the lapis beads.

*this sentence holds the place for much ranting, cursing, mule headed stubbornness, and at least one projectile project…

now for the SARCE section:
Rings and detailed well organized ring info:,
inspiration pics:

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That came out exquisite…love it!!!

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well folk another class has come and gone and we even got to meet some new people! the pendants came out great and we ended up having some extra parts. afterwards we went over box weave, tool care, closures, and shortcuts. in all i think it went very well and im quite stoked about it.

Basics: my next beginner’s class on 08FEB19 in the CONFERENCE ROOM will cover basics from definition of common terms on up through proper techniques and tool selection and maintenance.
Flowers: for my next project class if i can finish it in time i intend to teach scale flowers and show off my beauty and the beast rose if not i have a request for a modified helm chain pendant that ill have to do a bit of research on

potential classes that require outside participation and interest checks
looking further into the future we are a few steps closer to our copper patina class, and i am looking into cheap kits for a few more classes from professional artisans around the country that they will be able to walk you through


I’m looking forward to class tomorrow! Is there anything special I should bring?

I’m doing flowers tonight and you don’t need to bring anything if you want though you can bring any project you are currently working on and/or might want help with after that you could bring scales and rings if you have them (the parts list is somewhere on the thread)

So tonight we worked on flowers ( sells a nice tutorial on double and triple layer flowers and i highly recommend it) then a little HP 4-1, E 4-1, scalemaille, and straps. so lots of ground covered and everyone walked away with some swell souvenirs and ideas.

my next class will be on 08MAR19 and will be a basics class covering european 4 in 1 (E 4-1) both sheet and ribbon and if we have extra time ill teach a few other weaves and a capture.

as always if you have any questions please feel free to ask. :smiley:


we had a swell class and actually managed to make a LOT of progress. first we tackled E4-1 sheet, then E4-1 ribbon, and finally HP3-1 that turned our E4-1 ribbon into a weave called Alligator back. I had a very swell time and after the class i even got to stick around and nerd out for an hour or so with random folk.

oh yea and BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!! we finally polished off our second big bulk bag of rings and the new one has arrived. for those of you that are curious that means that in the last two years my classes have used ~18,000 rings!!! (or ~6lbs of aluminium or ~1,500 inches of wire assuming i did the math right)

found a cool thing here thought id share

so tonight’s project to work on was requested by Linda Dallas. (a weave called Viperscale hopefully pictured below) and had a swell time figuring it out and making seed pieces. For the kit and tutorial that Ms. Dallas purchased you may find it on Joshua Dilliberto’s website. For the next project class we have a request for Vertebrae (hopefuly also pictured below and also available from joshua as a kit and or tutorial) if no one has a project they need help with and we will be doing it at a remote location on the 26th of April. the next class will be the beginners class at the makerspace at our normal time in our normal place on the 12th of April. In that class we will be covering a weave called Bee Stings.

Now i was asked to provide a parts list for the three weaves i was just talking about so im gonna put that right here before i forget:

will work with any single ring size with an Aspect Ratio(AR) of ~5.5-6.
For our class tonight we used some rings i happened to have on hand from The Ring Lord(TRL) they were 16swg 3/8" saw cut Annodized Aluminum(AA) rings with an AR of 6.3

Three different sized rings, AR 6.2 for the large ring, and AR 4 for the nested ring and AR 4 for the small ring. (although with the finger ring sizes listed it’s more like AR 6, 4, and 3, so some wiggle room on either side is ok and its better to go slightly high than too low).
Finger fing: 20g 3/16", 20g 1/8", 20g 3/32"
Bracelet: 18g 9/32", 18g 3/16", 20g 1/8"

Bee Stings
theres no need to buy any parts or tools for this as rings will be provided as part of the beginer’s class. With that said however the rings i supply will be 16swg 5/16" machine cut Bright Aluminium(BA) from TRL with an AR of 5.2

as always if there are any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to mention them here or you can PM me.

Viperscale (made prior to the class with the same rings available in class)

Vertebrae (i traded for this one some years back in VA at a convention for a rather bulky galvanized steel bracelet so i dont remember the ring data for it)

Thanks for the list! Very helpful.

No problem! Thanks for your interest and please let me know if you have any further questions big or small XD

Another class has come and gone and a swell time was had by all we covered bee stings as planned then shifted to E4-1 sheet and ribbon, HP3-1 (as a component of Alligator Back), and gave a brief run down of scale. saw a couple new faces which im super excited about.

the next class will be the project based class that will be happening at my house on the 26th (see class listing for address) per request and the parts list listed above we will be covering project based questions and then the vertebrae weave

future classes
May 3rd will be the next beginners class and we will be covering box weave
May 24th project class hopefully at my place again but we will see how this upcoming class goes the back up topic has not yet been decided for this class but im leaning toward Helm weaves but we will see how it goes and ill of course post more info as i figure it out.

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