The Mosh Pit: Post your Rage here

I immediately think of the sign on southbound Jupiter at Buckingham in Garland. Or Richardson. The sign actually predates the construction of a pull-over-to-turn-right lane that’s been there about five years now. Before that, it actually WAS a right turn only lane, despite what appeared to be a continuing lane across the intersection. And you had to go a good ways before you could make a legal turn to get back to Jupiter. Gak!

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Not really. The sign is one of those little ones the size of a no parking sign, and only about 25 feet from the intersection. By the time you saw it and remembered, you couldn’t merge into the next lane over, because TRAFFIC.

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My biggest pet peeve - drivers who selfishly pull into what serves as the right hand turn lane just so they can be first in line and save themselves one to two seconds. Meanwhile, all the turners queue up behind them and have to sit through the three minute light due to the inconsiderate *&^%$ blocking the turn.


People who give me the little “you have my permission to cross the street” wave while I’m pedestrian-ing.

In a crosswalk.

At a 4-way stop.

Those flashing amber turn lights…
(Gollum voice) “We hatesssss them…”


At least they’re acknowledging that they see you and (probably) won’t run you down.


Even though I live in a “nice” neighborhood, I fully expect I will be run down in a crosswalk at a stop sign. Richardson might as well take out all the 4-way stops in the neighborhoods, nobody stops.

People who call out other people on Talk by name rather than handling it in person or within the committee.

Aka- Gossiping/sh*t talking/etc on Talk.

We are adults ya’ll. This is not how we handle our issues. Plus it makes most of DMS avoid Talk and that is fairly detrimental when it’s a great platform to keep everyone connected.

It really should be a rule.


People who necrobump threads…


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: bump :

Sorry, had to… :slight_smile:


I’d tell him to go pound sand. He doesn’t get to ask for ID for no reason.


Paper clips

Fully grown adults who use insulting nicknames for companies and people they don’t like. Even more so when it’s in casual conversation and all the time.


I don’t know about you, but on weekends I love to hop into my Ford Grazer, drop by the Home Despot for some materials, then drive through the Taco Hell for some lunch - then in the evening perhaps peruse the wares at the Worst Buy.


Calls someone out for being a “snowflake”!

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Omg snowflake!

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You’d probably hate AvE on YouTube. On the other hand, as a maker you might love watching AvE on YouTube.


Watching a few of his videos, I’ve never been so fascinated and so infuriated at the same time. But he’s got young kids so dumb nicknames are forgivable.

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He’s one of those “been there, done that” kind of guys who has a wealth of practical knowledge to impart. If one can get past is slightly off-level brand of humor and the non-stop malaprops, there’s a lot of good advice.