Status of the 3D Scanner

I ask my question again. Why can we not use the pc’s made for this that are in interactive currently. Believe they have GPU’s.

I poked around on their website & lost all faith when it asked me to install flash plugin

How are they a tech hardware / Software company


Whats left to get the scanner up, running and ready to use?

I will post a thread once its up and running, there is someone working on it and it should be soon, then we will start classes on it.



@maxk68, any update on when the computer will be arriving and training/validation can begin?

Just as soon as we get our new computers and have a place to set everything up. We are moving at the speed of expansion here.

What is the model of the scanner?

That was my question. You said last weekend that the computer was ordered, son I was just wondering when it’s slated to arrive.

I have never said the computers have been ordered, the relivent information has been presented to the board and we are waiting on an OK to proceed with purchasing. The scanner is a NextEngine

Do we have the scanner or not? If so, what is the model

@maxk68, is there any update regarding the status of the 3D scanner?

At the general membership meeting on 9/13 you said:
“Max - Filament theft. Scanner should be running in a few days.

How can I help? I can loan a computer to DMS that will meet specs if this helps to get it running.

Luke is working on getting the scanner up and running

Update on the scanner:
Today I hooked it up to a machine brought over to DMS. After some trial and error it functioned, but I was unable to get any acceptable scans created from it. I have some theories why, and some of them include operator error.

We seem to be missing some screws which hold the turntable to the scanner. I was able to just rest the scanner over the metal plate and it seemed okay. Also, I couldn’t locate the pins needed for alignment/calibration. The cardboard box with the scanner only included a white powder applicator, a hex wrench, and a USB phone charger.

When performing a scan, I didn’t realize that it works best when your parts are painted flat white. I set the software to dark object, but that didn’t help. The scans came out horribly misaligned, as if the software wasn’t even trying to fuse everything correctly. Even when manually running the fusing routines afterward the quality didn’t improve. Also fun note, the software doesn’t seem to have a functional ‘Undo’ function. So beware and save a golden copy of your scan first before experimenting.

I stored the scanner in the cabinet in the new 3D fab area. See picture below. I’ll bring the computer to DMS again on Saturday and try to get some workable results and let everyone know the status. If it starts working then I’ll leave the computer there for use by the members.


OK great I think its time for a new scanner anyway

When you know when you’ll be up there I’d be happy to help if you’d like. I used the old scanner a number of times. It does help to have a matte finish. We use to keep a matte clear spray with the scanner when it was in digital media.

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Using the scanner was a fairly complex process. I doubt that would change with a new scanner or an old one.

Appreciate @frnno967 looking at it, thanks!

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The issue with ours is I don’t think the schister who worked on it fixed it properly and its still does not work.


Is there an update on the unit?

I haven’t heard anything recent.

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