Status of the 3D Scanner

The scanner we have cannot be fixed the company that makes it has tried and several members have tried’ we will be discussing what we are gong to do for a scanner at the next 3d fab meeting. If yin have a suggestion for a new printer’ bring some info on it to the meeting

So last I heard the members testing it were still unfamiliar with the unit; offers from others with experience such as myself were always denied. Has anyone that actually used the thing significantly tested it?

Yes we have had qualified people look at it, As far as I know no one has been denied access to it, if you would like to try and fix it your welcome to have a stab at it, just contact me

I’d offered numerous times and was told that someone else was working on it; the only results we’ve heard were from a member in this thread who was unfamiliar with the unit to which you just reply to those results that it’s time for a new unit.

So here is me contacting you and asking, yet again, to test the unit.

You can pick it up at the next 3d fab meeting on the 4th.

We’ll work out another time, as I likely will be too busy on the 4th before I go out for a work trip.

and as I have said before, and I say again to any chair: making meetings is hard for most members. open up telepresence for meetings or arrange for tasks and volunteer tasks that can happen outside of it.


Same thing here…

After giving up on trying to get decent results out of the NextEngine 3D scanner, Max asked me to look into options for purchasing a new one for DMS. I found two models within the budget that was given, but neither of the companies would respond to my requests to present a demonstration on the capabilities and use of the products. Both were the handheld structured light type. So I’m at a standstill at the moment but I’ll resume work on it very soon now that the holidays is nearly over.

FWIW, I am currently working on a turntable 3D-scanner project based on an Nvidia Jetson that I will happily let DMS use. It’s definitely not for the highest quality scans, and takes a long time to complete, but it’s something to use if someone needs it. I should have it complete sometime in Q1 of 2020.

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So just to be clear, there is no working 3d scanning equipment at DMS right now, correct? I would like to scan a few gatoraid bottle type / sized objects to see if it could be a shortcut to creating 3d models to be used in advertising.

No there is no 3D scanner at DMS right now. We will be getting a new one sometime soon

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I recommend that nobody hold their breath. This has been happening for over a year.

What needs to happen to get a new one?

Come to the 3d fab meeting Saturday at 6


Max had a 3D Scanner chosen, and the money allocated at that meeting 1 year ago, then someone blew up the meeting.

Show up and make this happen, we need it.

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Have we lookedninnto this

I will need to scannsome things after this cazy pandemic.

Actually we had a representative from Creaform come in and give a demo of their academia package. The package included the scanner, 50 seat concurrent license software, as well as a full training package where we can use their lesson plans for classes.

Everyone at the meeting was very impressed and voted to move forward.


So if this scanner gets bought what precautions are gonna be taken so that if it is broken again like the last one, the individual responsible is held accountable? Also what credentials will be required upon receiving training to ensure that only qualified individuals may use the scanner?

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Great questions. That will be up to the 3D Fab committee to decide. Here are a few of my personal ideas though.

The software has 50 seats that reside on our network. Lock those down to an AD group so only those trained can access the software.

Many other committees have locked areas such as metal shop/automotive, that you have to go through the class to get the code.

Initiate a RFID cabinet lock. It has been discussed widespread for many years. The 3D fab locked cabinet for resin worked for awhile before having issues. Now wood shop uses it on many tools.

The package itself included at least 1 year breakage coverage. The company was pretty open to working with us, and the local sales rep lives on a few minutes from the Makerspace.


Potentially dumb question: are the minutes of the meeting posted somewhere? There’s a recently-joined member here that was asking about the 3D scanner (he has a Creaform himself, the HandiScan(sp?), which he’s brought here with him and is using as I type – cooooool), and I couldn’t find where the info on for example what model we were looking at to be able to tell him.

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