Stained glass spider web

We worked on a simplified version today for this weekend’s super short class. There was much cutting and much grinding, even when it was cut down to three pieces.

I’d love to make your version, too @JBluJkt I have a dear friend who needs one. Too cool :heart:



Too cool! :sunglasses:

Think I printed extra patterns if anyone wants to give it a shot feel free :hugs:

It is a cool pattern, just too many pieces for my beginner class. I find 5-6 pieces is a nice size for a first piece and easily accomplished in the 4 hour class. If anyone new to stained glass wants to make it I would suggest taking my beginner class first, then you’ll be able to make it on your own!

Big thanks to Sarah and Jen for spending your Saturday yesterday making a demo piece and getting the prep done for this class.

Also, BIG pat on the back for working together and pulling together 2 separate departments on this! Jewelry and GlassWorks.

I’ve challenged them to come up with a Christmas tree branch and ornament. I’m eager to see if the can make that happen! They both have awesome skills!

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Second web class is up

Wait, which kind of web is it that we are making in class??? There are 3 different example pictures in this thread…I’m hoping it’s the very first one…

I’m putting my $ here:

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Yes, it’s that simplified one we practiced making last weekend.

There is a second spiders and scorpions class set up for this Friday. It just went live this morning, and there are still 3 slots left, if you’re interested. :slight_smile:



Hey, I had something come up and have had to cancel my spot for the SATURDAY Wire Scorpion and Spiders class.

I know several folks mentioned preferring saturday if possible, so posting a heads up on this and the Friday class thread

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Thank you!
Sorry we’ll miss you.

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Hi Sarah, I signed up for tonight’s class this afternoon. I don’t think I’ll have time to get supplies before I come, so I’d like to use yours. I may have time to grab a few big beads I have for spider bodies…sounds funny…but that’s it. Looking forward to this!

Wonderful! See you there!

Unfortunately I won’t be able to make it to Sunday’s stained glass web class, so there’s now a spot free for anyone who wants to try their hand at this awesome project!

Successful classes this weekend!
It was so much fun working with Sarah to put this project together!


Love it!!
Thank you for teaching!