I just discovered this site and they offer small quantities (~30ml) of many chemicals including concentrated acids without the exorbitant shipping charges you usually encounter.
This seems to be a different site that sells chemicals in small quantity. This is Robert Bruce Thompson’s site, he was a contributor to Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Mannor in the old Byte magazine.
While they have a limited range of chemicals http://www.dudadiesel.com/ is a good place for getting quantities of certain chemicals. Their focus is on biodiesel and have some interesting items that are useful to pyrotechnitions, specifically low acid Sulfur & Potassium Nitrate. Maybe motorsports could use a drum of Methanol?
Yeh, I have ordered from them in the past, but the last time I placed an order and sent paypal payment it was ignored. No email/no shipment. Paypal eventually returned payment as unclaimed. This occured early this year.
He has been shut down a couple times for selling materials to make flash powder in large quantities. He now sells in no more than 1/2 pound at a time and keeps track for a 1 pound max per year. But they have a wide selection.
Well, title of post was in regards to small quantities. Small is relative to people’s backgrounds: If you’re more of the academic inclination then mg quantities work just fine. More industrial: you need tens of grams to kilograms of material.