Source of small quantities of chemicals without exorbitant shipping costs

I just discovered this site and they offer small quantities (~30ml) of many chemicals including concentrated acids without the exorbitant shipping charges you usually encounter.

My recent order included

30ml 98% sulfuric acid
30ml 12M hydrochloric acid
30ml glacial acetic acid

and a bunch of other items for only $13 ups shipping.


This seems to be a different site that sells chemicals in small quantity. This is Robert Bruce Thompson’s site, he was a contributor to Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Mannor in the old Byte magazine.

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I did not know that. The Chaos Manor was the first thing I used to read when the latest issue would arrive.

RBT has a day notes blog similar to Jerry Pournelle’s journal. It is Daynotes Journal – Robert Bruce Thompson — June 6, 1953 – January 20, 2018 — R.I.P.. I read it occasionally but there isn’t much wheat in that chaff.

Might not be the best place but I dropped this into the Wiki here: Science Committee Library - Dallas Makerspace


While they have a limited range of chemicals is a good place for getting quantities of certain chemicals. Their focus is on biodiesel and have some interesting items that are useful to pyrotechnitions, specifically low acid Sulfur & Potassium Nitrate. Maybe motorsports could use a drum of Methanol? :wink:


Just ordered 2lbs of potasium hydroxide and a quart of 98% sulfuric acid delivered for $30. Good prices and shipping wasn’t bad at all, thanks.

Happen to know a good source for concentrated nitric acid in quart quantities?

A great selection of chemicals at a very cheap to reasonable cost:

Yeh, I have ordered from them in the past, but the last time I placed an order and sent paypal payment it was ignored. No email/no shipment. Paypal eventually returned payment as unclaimed. This occured early this year.

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Really? I’ve used them in the past to order several chemicals and have never had a problem. I suppose it may be a case by case basis then.

I have ordered from them many times in the past, but this last order in January and it was as if no one was home.

Just placed another order with United Nuclear to see if my prior experience was an aberration.

What are you making Walter?

He has been shut down a couple times for selling materials to make flash powder in large quantities. He now sells in no more than 1/2 pound at a time and keeps track for a 1 pound max per year. But they have a wide selection.

Among other things, going to try anodizing some small pieces.

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Well, title of post was in regards to small quantities. Small is relative to people’s backgrounds: If you’re more of the academic inclination then mg quantities work just fine. More industrial: you need tens of grams to kilograms of material.

Thanks for the info though, good to know.

I could use some concentrated nitric acid for umm, anodizing too…:grinning:


How much, we can always do a group buy. I could use a liter or two. Seems they go from 950ml to 10 L.

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I could use 0.5 - 1.0 L depending upon cost. Most of the places I have found so far want close to $100 to ship 0.5L

What weight percent/concentration were you looking to buy?

My preference would be fuming nitric acid, so that I can make any concentration I need.