Show and Tell February 2023

Memento gift box(es) for some heirloom jewelry. Each box is about the size of a deck of cards. Started two boxes “just in case” - actually ended up with two mirror image boxes.

It took a village. I am grateful to everyone who consulted or helped. @mdredmond did 99% of the MultiCam work (I did the design, artwork, and cleaned up!) This involved several tests and fixtures in addition to the actual routing. @Daniel_Bryson poured (and provided) the resin. Many people consulted. @Caroline_Crawford removed the bolo tie clasps from the pieces and added bails. The turquoise had to be removed from the larger piece and the bezel completely reconstructed.

There was a surprising amount of hand work involved, especially after the MultiCam; hours of hand sanding to clean up the tear out on the end grain. I milled the resin flat before sanding the tops. Laser engraving on Fusion.


Technically made before feb but I’ve been slow posting pictures lately.


Very nicely done. Beautiful work.


Another inlayed cutting board for a friend


I took another crack at silver-gilding book edges. This is my second try and I’ve learned a lot about the process.

It’s not perfect, but there’s a lot of silver on this edge. I think round 3 might be when i get this right.

Got a lot of fussing to do.


Took the RailRoad Spike Knife class with @coloneldan tonight. Had a great time learning the tools. I stayed after for a little bit to “hone” my skills, and my new knife…
Knife class


Hey buddy, are those appetizer forks?

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Technically Corn Cob forks but you could use them either way.


Smaller projects last week. Will be working on a beast of a walnut burl project later this month.

Walnut burl round table to come (that wood is 80lbs by itself):

The smaller trays finished up last week


Gorgeous work. I hope you had a good time making them. The time and effort in the exquisite beauty of them is evident.


Thank you! I do really enjoy the process, and gifting them even more :slight_smile:

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that one piece almost looks like Ohio

I saw your IG, you are a great talent.

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Very kind of you, thank you! :relaxed:

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1:12 scale bowl back mandolin (AKA Italian-style mandolin), built just to challenge myself. I wanted one mandolin but managed to not scrap the extra bowl half so I was able to make two.

Full Fusion 360 model (and drawing set) from scratch. No CNC-built parts, but a bunch of laser-cut fixtures and a couple 3D-printed ones. The bowl is hollow (manual Sherline mill).

Having never seen a mandolin in person, I had no idea that a mandolin is much smaller than a guitar, and has more frets and more pegs/strings; making everything more compact than I imagined. One picture compares the mandolin to the 1:12 scale guitar I made last summer, which should illustrate the size challenge. There were pieces so tiny I didn’t think the materials would hold up. For instance, there is a tiny piece on the heel where the strings go through, which was one of the tougher pieces to machine (rotary table on Sherline mill).

I made and turned a segmented blank to simulate the look of the classical pieced up bowl.

I’ll let the luthiers in the group puzzle over how I made the purfling.

When the inspiration strikes me I will make better stands. These temporary stands hide the heel plates.


Just wow. These are absolutely amazing. You need to think about teaching others how you create your beauties. Fabulous work.

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Forged rivet set Hardy (used in the anvil’s square Hardy hole to hold the head of a rivet while the shank is peened over on the opposite side of the connected parts). Made from 3/4” oil well sucker rod.

The connecting knuckles of the 20’+ sucker rods make a great base for making Hardy tools. 4130/4340ish medium carbon tough steel and are already preformed close to what’s needed for tools (about the right diameter, shoulders already present, etc.

Finished tool after squaring off the threads to fit the Hardy and forging in the divot with a round punch and ball bearing

Before and after - shows how close the starting knuckle is to a finished tool


I have some sucker rod knuckle. I’m going to make me a pair.

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Is that a gear tooth profile cutter, or did you do multiple passes to approximate the profile?

The high school FIRST Robotics Team @budman and I mentor has made great progress on their robot design this month.