Sharing an MSDS


I would like to upload an MSDS to this forum, but “…new users can not upload attachments.”.

What is the best way to go about getting an MSDS in front of the lasering community?

Kind Regards,

If you are a member, request a green dot. I beleive that get’s you upload rights immediatley and access to other important things like Issues and Requests.

Dallas Makerspace members (primary or family/add-on) in good standing may request access to Members Only categories (e.g. #issues-requests ) by requesting a Green Dot

While the Green Dot may help, I’d recommend going to the Read This First pinned post, and interact with the bot. That will get you all the bits that will get you the Basic status that lets you post things.

Ironic that you have to talk to the bot to prove that you’re not a bot, but there it is.

edit: Yeah, I just popped up your profile, and while I can see that you’ve now gotten your Green Dot, it doesn’t say Basic yet.