NWow, seriously we had a wonderful turnout last night for the brainstorming session. Together we baked in the purple classroom to plan and at least begin the long discussion of what sewing will become (with some hard work)
In attendance: @Print_Witch @Lordrook @kyrithia @Hardsuit @Cairenn_Day @Robodude919 @MizGeek @dryad2b @BarkingChicken @matthshooter @CaryF300 @mreynolds and three others that Im unaware of a talk name (please fill in) Seriously it was a bunch of people in that small room haha
All members had a vested interest in seeing the sewing room outfitted to the best of our abilities. It was a healthy talk filled with optimism and some common goals and some realistic expectations - I honestly don’t think you can ask for anything more. Oh, and pie.
I’m going to do my best to translate my notes for everyone to understand. Feel free to add in things I missed. I do feel I lead the discussion a bit to much - so in the future I will back off a bit to allow ideas to be more free flowing I went a bit teacher on us
Room basics:
Sewing will be in the 19’ room
Importance of it being modular and flexible
Folding cutting table with ironing pad for maximum use of space
leaf extensions on tables to pop up and down as needed
Tv would be wanted
The sewing machine storage won’t be in the room this will simply be a working room for sewing
save space where we can
Not for storage of materials or scrap
No liquids of any sort in the room. Sorry about ya.
Comfort of chairs (we didn’t get to this)
Important developments:
@matthshooter talked to @Kriskat30 and he’s going to lead the sewing SIG from now on out
Sewing as a whole thoughts:
Revamping and curriculum needs of Sewing basics 101
Need for teachers
We all agreed that sewing will grow quite a bit with attention and care
Ideas of our next “larger” machine - Paul brought in his and it seems like a good mid-sized step up
Look at a heftier serger to consider leather and tougher materials
@matthshooter has an industrial he would like to donate to the space (with specifics) for use (to be locked)
Talked about doing an RFID lock on the industrial
Wanted “Out” Available equipment:
Hopes to have two regular machines out, 2 sergers, 1 industrial (to be donated)
One empty desk
We were made quickly aware of how small the room got once we started packing materials in it.
Large Cutting table (most important thing wanted)
The weeds (small things):
Fabric only scissors, rotary blades, discussion of a “sewing kit” for purchase during the 101 sewing basics class, importance of rules and understandings of the room, outlets mounted on table or up high for accessibility, an op light and lights on clips,
Changes (to be):
Ripping out the flooring @matthshooter volunteered for that
For the heck of it I’m going to ask @John_Marlow if we can rip down the wall between digital and conference - just for the idea of it.
Machine discussion:
Everyone got frothy but I smacked people around and told them we can’t quite afford something like this yet.
Pauls machine $1700-2000 software $2500-3000 (Husqvarna Topaz 50 - edited by Marlow)
Matts industrial embroidery $4000-12000 software $500 (fill in the machine model here) The issue of having a production machine here at the space was discussed
Serger for leather Juki (Astrud fill in model here) $1100
leather sewing (Matt fill in model here) $1700
super rough sketches and ideas:
We all agreed the space gets small quick when you start loading machines and tables in
Current IKEA tables 60"X25.5" with an extendable leaf that pops out to 27.5" at it’s max I don’t remember what its called at IKEA but I will look it up.