Is anyone interested in learning how to make Plate mail armor or SCA heavy armor?
Ahem (prepares megaphone)
If that class is open to non-members I can bounce the class entry onto the local SCA list and get additional students.
Would material be required?
Would be cool if DMS could become its own SCA Barony.
We would dominate!
I’d be happy for a DMS Shire. That would be pretty cool.
Yes, you would have to provide your own materials.
Do you think we could get a demo setup for the space?
I’ve asked on the Stepps Facebook Group but no one really responded.
Perhaps there are SCA / DMS members that would like to do one for us?
Let me see what I can do, we have had meetings at DMS a couple of time in the last couple or years
It would be interesting. I wonder about the price barrier on materials. There was a member in one of the chain mail classes that had his own plate armor I cannot recall his name though.
Would material be required?
Yes, you would have to provide your own materials.
So do we have a shopping list for attendees?
We have an experienced person that is only willing to teach a few teachers.
So, the class and what materials comes after that …
I’ll ask the Baron and Baroness of the Steppes (Dallas) and see what they say. Probably have a pretty good chance of it, especially if we can use the thing in the back that looks like a knife target for some axe throwing. They already have fighter practice every Tuesday night over in Richardson.
So sorry – at best you could be a Canton. You are inside the “turf” of the Barony of the Steppes…
Invasion. Conquer. Depose. Subjugate.
Medieval entrepreneurialism at its best.
Maybe a College since we are educational ?
Ah, but modernism raises its ugly head – the BoD says no…
Well … we could form a household and do what we wilt
not official SCA but permitted.
We could even have our own heraldry registered.
Then on to conquer!
Medieval entrepreneurialism at its best.
until there’s climate change then one gets the black death, revotes, riots, and in some cases zombies but zombies haven’t been found yet.
Are there any classes on making armor? Our 16yr old wants to make his own, but has no idea where to start.