When I screwed my material down to hold it place it went through the spoils board and landed on a support of the table. I did not notice that it had “pushed” the spoils board up. When the bit got to that area, I noticed that it was cutting into the spoils board. I then noticed my mistake. There is noticable tool paths cut into the spoils board. i apologize and would like to do what I can to make it right. I do not know how to replace/resurface, etc… the spoils board. Please let me know what/when/how I go about fixing my mistake. Thanks.
Thanks for letting us know! Try to tag the team responsible for the area you’re reporting. In this case @Team_Woodshop.
How badly was it cut up? Generally small cuts are seen as normal wear and tear. Someone will come along and flatten the whole bed at some point. I think @Tapper was going to order a new spoil Board since that one has been beat up fairly sufficiently.
Please check the height of your screws through the material and spoil Board, screwing into the base below is really deterimental to the long term health of the machine.
When the current wasteboard is removed the plenum underneath the screw hole (the “support of the table”) needs to be inspected for damage. Normally that is not done.
@Mcnewt, if you get a chance please post a picture or rough diagram of the hole location.
Do you know approximately when you will be doing this? I wanted to get a few hours in on the CNC this weekend and want to make sure I don’t show up during your marathon.
And I believe the spoilboard is still usable just has some gashes in it.
Noonish on Saturday, then 9:00 am Sunday for a 2nd round to either re-do or make more. I’m also flexible on either day and can start later if you prefer to work earlier.
If I can remember. I may do it tonight if they show up today. If not, here’s the process:
Mix a 50% wood glue 50% water in a cup. Paint the entire edge of the spoilboard with it. Allow t dry.
Remove and cut up the old spoilboard, so it will fit in the dumpster.
Place new board on router table, install and set up the 1.5" surfacing bit.
Run the table mill program, setting the cut depth at .03-.05 and speed at 350IPS (cut starts by manual positioning bit in MaxX MaxY corner. If you dn’t know where that is, you need to let a more experienced user perform the cuts)
2.1 Vacuum the dust that has accumulated under the old wasteboard (skipping this step makes it difficult-to-impossible for the wastboard to remain level during its lifetime)
2.2 Inspect for then repair any damage (like a hole in a plenum).
Yep. Done. I unplugged all the vacuum inlets.i cleaned out the vacuum filter, so it sucks real good. I cleaned and removed all the bumps in the phenolic that where made by screws and burns. I sealed the edge of the spoil board. I plugged all the t track slots. And surfaced both sides of the spoil board.
Please don’t tear her up. Treat her gentle.
I need a smoke and a pancake. Also a beer.
Thanks Clayton, Saturday is unfortunately out for me, we are hosting a party that night so I’m on prep duty. I’m still planning to come Sunday afternoon. I’ll check the cans before heading up.