We don’t have enough men’s room facilities (yes, there are standards for that). The buildings in this business park were built for warehouse-type occupancy which influenced both the amount of parking and also restrooms.
We are swapping which rooms are designated for whom and adding some stalls, to meet the OSHA requirement. It has the effect of making one more toilet (simultaneously) available for Men. This is a work in process, with one more change still coming (in the next few days).
There is no change to the existing Women’s room next to CA.
We are required to have 4-5 toilets available to men, and two to women. This is based on the:
average number of people who badge in at the space on one day (137)
maximum number of people … per day (178)
percent of people who are male (83%)
assumption that 1/2 to 2/3 of them are all in the building at the same time.
Per the OSHA language, urinals are permitted but do not count in the number of toilets. Also, a room with more than one toilet counts as only one toilet unless there are stalls separating the toilets to provide privacy. (This makes sense - if the door is locked only one of those toilets is available at any one time).
Current state:
East aisle (by CA):
Women’s room. Two toilets with stalls. No changes.
Men’s room. One toilet, one urinal. I have no idea if there is a stall or not.
West aisle (by Purple classroom):
North restroom (the gawd-awful eggplant-colored one): Men’s Room. Two toilets with stalls. The new stalls are much longer than the prior ones.
South restroom (formerly men’s): One toilet. It probably says Men on the door. It will become Unisex within the next few days, and will have a handrail for handicapped assistance.
These changes bring us up to compliance.
If you don’t like this re-designation, please do not blame the person(s) who have done the hard work to bring you these changes. The numbers don’t lie. This is the best way to make more facilities available and also to get into compliance.
Urinals. No way to change the state of urinals. It’s a huge financial impact. No reason to debate it. There is at least one urinal next door - I haven’t been in there to confirm how many.
Stall size in the eggplant bathroom. There isn’t any way to make the stalls wider than they are. They are at least longer, so your knees don’t hit the doors.
Arduously. I had heard some off-the-cuff numbers cited and in light of the Expansion, I needed to analyze the facts.
I analyzed the exterior door badge reader entries from the last three months as the most representative of the current state. I eliminated all duplicate badge entries by the same RFID on the same date. This yielded 12,423 entries listing of all unique RFIDs that badged-in on each specific given day.
Then I analyzed the 5000 names on the member list and removed all those who had never badged in during the past three months. I assigned a gender to the remaining names based on some assumptions. I assumed names like Clayton and William were male. I assumed names like Deborah and Elizabeth were female. Names that I couldn’t determine were considered “Undetermined” and didn’t influence the statistic in either direction. There were also a bunch of badge numbers that badged in but weren’t in the membership records, so those were also discarded. This left 11,258 entries which is still a statistically relevant sample size.
I ended up with a list that said:
Date ---- RFID Number ---- Gender
and it was easy to run a pivot table to calculate the number. Specifically there were 1946 women-badge-entries and 9312 men-badge-entries (remember that I removed all the duplicate entries on any given day).
I’ll concede that it doesn’t account for visitors, for “tailgating” and for errors in my name assumptions, but even if it’s off by a couple percent it doesn’t affect the restroom analysis.
Thank you. I’ve only waited for a stall once in the 3+ years I’ve been here, so wasn’t concerned about potty parity.
Was very interested in our gender stats.
Have asked Stan in the past, which is when I learned we don’t capture that data with our registration.
If someone’s badge number changed (they lost the old one, they had an implant, they got a bracelet or fob instead of a card) then the data pull from member records wouldn’t show the old ID number. Also, we issue some number of “one-off” badges for repair people etc. and only the currently active list was available as data.
When members change badges (lost, damaged, etc,) the system doesn’t make it easy to track the name associated with that old badge. The info is there, but has to be pulled with a SQL search. There is no report for past badge data.
We started adding gender to the waiver last year, so we have that info on some of our population, but not all.