Requesting Shapeoko Training / "APO" Classes


Please allow me to submit a new request that learning classes be scheduled for Shapeoko 3 training. I would like to participate in training for both the Carbide 3D “Create” and “Motion” applications and receive approval to operate the machine. My intent is to use the applications and the machine, plus Carbide 3D’s “Copper PCB” application, to fabricate simple one- and two-sided PCBs. Thank you. Jeff

Are you proposing to mill fiberglass to machine your PCB?

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I do not believe milling fiberglass is allowed on any of the shapeokos.

There is a partially functional pcb mill in the e-lab. @artg_dms can probably give an indication of what’s needed to get it fully functional.


Carbon fiber is banned. Not sure about fiberglass for pcbs. May need to use different/modified dust collection. Questions for @keoliver @jphelps.

At the risk of being redundant - a link to pcb status was done here -

Link results in:

Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private

Probably private. Try this -

In theory, what should be happening is only removing the thin layer of copper from the surface of the copper-clad FR-4 sheet. In reality though, yes, fiberglass / epoxy will be removed. A thin layer during routing / etching (enough to ensure that the copper is completely removed) plus some amount during drilling of holes and routing the finished board out of the sheet.

We’ve allowed PCB milling in the past without incident. @keoliver do you concur? I see no issue with responsible trained individuals milling copper PCB’s.

Milled fiberglass is really nasty if inhaled. The particle size is large enough that I think our dust collector will handle it, but I’d be real careful with anything that leaks, *and when emptying the dust collector. .

What about chasing the head with a hand held hepa vac.