Raspberry Pi 2 announced

I just saw this posted by an acquaintance over in the UK.

Could be useful.



“A faster Raspberry Pi 2 computer is now shipping without a rise in price, and for the first time it will support Microsoft’s Windows 10 OS for the development of smart devices and appliances.”

“Raspberry Pi 2 is 6 times faster than Pi 1, supports Windows 10”

Also, Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 2 will be free:

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Why would you want to go and ruin a perfectly good computer platform by putting Windoze on it… :smile:


I’m definitely going to get a few of these. I want to use these to run slicing and control 3D printers. I think it now has enough power to run slicers.

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I’m hoping they’re fast enough that things like XMBC / OpenELEC and Asterisk will be a bit snappier. All of the above already runs on RPi, but the menus are a bit tedious due to slow response time.

Figuring this will be the excuse to upgrade and re-purpose the model B’s I have as 5MP web cams.

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Nice looking setup: 900MHz quad core with 1GB of RAM. Everything else is the same: video, I/O, etc.

I have 2 on order from Newark and can’t wait! I also signed up for the IoT developer stuff to get my hands on early releases of Windows 10 for it.

Just ordered one - now to wait.

How many would you need to run one printer Mitch?

I picked up a Raspberry Pi 2 at Microcenter today. They have them sitting on the shelf for $35. They have a pretty good selection of Pi stuff. But don’t look for much help.

Russell Ward

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Interesting, i was about to buy one online and changed my mind after the
10$ shipping. I guess I’ll check locally tomorrow.

Went way out of my way to Microcenter yesterday and they were out of them. If anyone is over that way, and picks up an extra, I’ll buy it off you for $40. I am at the space most Thursday nights, or could swap the “stuff” for “cash” out of my storage bin.


I usually drive past Microcenter on my way to DMS (I live in East Plano). I plan to be at DMS the next two Saturdays. I also drive past Fry’s Electronics in Plano on my way to DMS. Of course, that means that I drive past the new Ham Radio Outlet; they might have a Raspberry Pi 2.

Isn’t there some sort of electronics store out your way? What about Tanner’s?

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I think this are going fast, so one might have to wait for the next restock perhaps.

It would definitely have enough power to run a 3D printer, Usually running Octoprint, although I’m sure they have to update octoprint to work with the new chipset, but it seems it’s backwards compatible software. You probably would be able to run CuraEngine to slice your models on the Pi 2.

I stopped by Micro Center on Central Expressway, today. Of course, they don’t have any RPi 2 in stock. They said they are waiting for the manufacturer to produce enough to send a batch of 25 units to all their stores at one time. General delivery days for the store are Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

ETA: If you want to call the store to check on inventory, give them SKU 586644.

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Got my email today from Newark. :smiley:

My RasPi 2s are expected to be delivered on Wednesday!

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RasPi 2s are back in stock at Micro Center

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My request still stands, if someone will pick up one for me I’ll pay them for it. I’ll be at DMS tonight and tomorrow night…thanks.

I can check in a half-hour, but I have a conference call I have to be on now.

The store just now told me they have five left. I’m going try to get there…

I second that request. I will be at the space tonight. I have my RTL-SDR kit ready to try out!