Daniel, I got one of those also…was playing around with it in Linux. Didn’t bring it with me today though…I’ll look around for you tonight.
Well, I got there, raced back to the Hobbies section, and…
I got it!
There were four remaining on the shelf when I left.
@DanielHooper I didn’t see your message until I got back from the store. Sorry.
Gah. Some jerk bought all four of them while I was trying to reserve one online!
According to my friend they’ll be available Tuesday. I’m going to make a special trip as early as I can to snag a few.
If y’all like the raspberry pi, you should check out the ODROID C1 http://www.hardkernel.com/main/products/prdt_info.php
It’s a quad core 1.5 GHz ARM A5 with 1GB of DDR3. Very similar to the pi but a lot more powerful. It can even run off of eMMC (v4.5, max bandwidth 200MB/s).
Sounds like your running on the Debian distro. I switched over to arch linux since arch actaully ensures all the libraries are compiled for the ARM platform on installation unlike raspbian which prebuilds a lot of thier package without optimize for Broadcom chip powering this little beauties.