Please vote for Max Kirkland 3D fab Chairman

Hello, I’m Max Kirkland, surely most of you member know me as “the guy who helped me with my 3D print” :slight_smile: I also teach the Polyprinter classes, the 3d printer common fails class and many others in 3d Fab. I am also the current Vice Chairman of 3D Fab and I am asking for you vote.

Jayson Woods, who is the current Vice Chair of Vector is running for Chair as well. If you would like to vote for him his email is [email protected]

Rather than just walking around with a proxies sheet, I thought I would ask here so I could say a few things about why I would make a good chairman.

For the past 6 months Mitch the current Chairman of 3D Fab has had work related issues making him unavailable so I have been providing most of the chairman duties so I know whats involved. I have worked with the board and provided all the expansion details for 3D fab, I have been at all of the 3D fab meeting and clean up days in the past 6 months. I have also provided the scale mock up of the space and worked with committee members to decide on a floor plan and new furniture choices for the new space. As well as reached to the UTA Fab lab and asked for help configuring our octoprint system with octopuppet which would allow for fewer dropped prints and easier tracking of the printer and prints.

What I would like to see done in the future is implement the octoprint system, shield the power and usb cords so there or n o more disconnection issues, train more people to change the filament nozzles have printed out user manuals for Kisslicer so you can look up what EVERY setting does and how you can improve you print. A new sla printer and another PLA printer is also something I would like to see.

I have been working tirelessly in 3d fab for 4 years and I would like to have the chairman’s job so I can make the 3d Fab lam a much more user friendly and RELIABLE workspace.

So I I could pleas have you vote I would appreciate it. Please copy this paragraph below along with your name and e-mail it to [email protected]

****i would like to cast my proxy vote for Max Kirkland in the 2018 3D Fab elections.**

I would appreciate your vote and hope I can make 3D fab a faster and more reliable for you. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me.


@NickWebb @Sawyer14
For your consideration​

You have my vote. Based on my personal experience that includes taking several of your classes I know enough to be confident that you will be an excellent chair for 3D Fab.


(Tho BOD claimed last night that a proxy given via TALK was acceptable for committee elections)

Below is my proxy:

I, Nick Sainz, would like to cast my proxy vote for Max Kirkland as committee head in the 2018 3D Fab Committee election.

Thank you for your effort and love of 3D printing Max, it is incredibly rare that I don’t run into you in 3d Fab nearly every time I’m at DMS. I wish you the best of luck on the election, in your current role as co-chair, and hopefully your new role as Committee Head.

Good luck,

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I gave my proxy for a vote to Jayson.

Max, I can appreciate where you are coming from, and know I see you in 3D fab frequently. Proxy votes seem to be out of hand when it comes to committee chairs. We’ve heard your thoughts on why you should be chair and your plans. Rather than Max vs Jayson, my suggestion would be to start a new thread just for 3D Fab Election. Let everyone hear your side, and Jayson’s. Let’s vote for which plan seems to be the best for the community. Take it for what you will, just sharing my own thoughts.


I’m confused… Is Jayson the running mate (as in vice chair) or opponent?

Also is a meeting scheduled where the in person vote will happen?

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I’m the opponent


Thanks, I was having trouble following.

Also happy Talk cake day!! :cake: :tada:

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I have corrected the OP,


I agree that proxy votes have gotten completely out of hand. It is too bad that committee elections are now being “won” by whoever can walk around and gather the most proxies. Leadership is encouraging active members of a committee to support or even better participate in your vision, not intentionally drowning out their voice with a sea of proxies.


I, Paul Denton , would like to cast my proxy vote for Max Kirkland as committee head in the 2018 3D Fab Committee election.

There are ideas being worked on in this area for Committee Chair votes not annual board elections.

We have a little time until May.

The one favored by me is direct electronic voting. We would have a WIKI page listing upcoming elections and dates. A window for voting would open, 2-3 days before each election. During that window, you could vote your choice from anywhere in the world.

It would eliminate the need for proxy voting.

If it did not completely eliminate proxy voting…

The supplemental idea would be to limit how many proxy votes an individual could “manage”. For discussion, say it is 5 proxies. "I John Smith give my proxy vote to Mary Jones to vote for Betty Botter for the Chair of Underwater Basketweaving in September 2018 special election.

After Mary Jones has 5 proxies, someone else has to vote the next 5, etc. It would allow for proxies and limit the total 1 person could control. If there was a team of people you could still get a bunch of proxies. AND all the designated proxy holders would have to show up for the election.

Other ideas?


I fully encourage these types of discussions regarding changing how elections and proxies should change in the future, however think that should be split into a separate discussion.


This was the idea I had last night I was going to suggest to you and you said put it in writing, pretty much what I did here so people would at least be able to see the canidates and have to make an effort to proxy


Many of our committees can have impacts on other committees
One example from JSM
Scanned acorn–digital media
Resin printed- 3D fab
tip of finished wand—woodworking

So it is quite possible that someone would want those other committees to be active and be keeping
good repair of their equipment to me offering classes

It would be nice to know what a chair has planned for their committee

I feel the on line suggestion would do that

I really hate some one with a clipboard asking me for my proxy
Double when it it the person running for the office Hard to say no
I m noty big on signing politcal petitions that way either

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I spoke with the vice chair I think he was of jewelry and small metals and he asked about a diffrent castable resin, we looked it up and its going to be ordered instead of the flimsy castable resin we have now.
At the last meting I asked for a demo of the ceramic resin to be made so we could see the issues with using it AND have a baseline from which a class could be taught.

And of course Jewelry and small metals can work with 3dFab so we cat the best products for both our committees


moved the thread to

3d Fab Election MEET the Candidates - #44 by engpin

election is a few days so everyone take a sec and vot, I would appreciate it :slight_smile:

And please regardless of the outcome of the election, you cant make changes to ANY committee by complaining about it on talk, PLEASE come to the committee meetings so you voice can be heard.


I vote for you Max but I don’t know where to cast my vote